All kind of things emerging . . .
– Mark DeVine points to an excellent chapter [download PDF] he wrote for a forthcoming book called E3: Evangelicals Engaging Emergent.
– Welcome to the Common Root that launched last week with a less confusing name.
– Paul Roberts demurs regarding The Great Emergence
– IMG church emerges into the Lancaster newspaper
– Jake is going to reclaim Paul this month with the Emergent Village crowd
– October is Convergent month for Friends and Quakers.
-And finally, Jonny Baker reports on the emerging church in France, suggesting that it has only just begun.
Which brings everybody’s favourite song to mind . . . Come on . . EVERYBODY!! . . . One Two Three . .
Technorati Tags: emergent, emerging church
Hey Andrew,
Thank you so much for this post, for two reasons. Firstly, I loved hearing that song – the Carpenters were a staple of our household when I was growing up, so it was a real blast from the past full of warmth and nostalgia! Secondly, working France trying to help a small local church be relevant and grow in a difficult and changing environment, I can only attest to everything Jonny said in his post. (BTW, I also picked up a great link from his post to the “Témoins” site – now added to my list and RSS reader.)
thanks rob
i was with Jonny and the Temoins team in the 2003 meeting that he mentioned. Great people!
I’m in love with Karen Carpenter.
Thanks for all your generative contributions to the discussion!