Russell Brand – Best TV Apology of the Year

Picture 22-2Big news in the UK today was Russell Brand apologising to actor Andrew Sachs (“Manuel” in Fawlty Towers) and resigning his job as BBC presenter. Sky news had Russell giving a heartfelt honest apology and resignation from BBC and it was really refreshing to see.

In my opinion, I have never really liked Russell Brand much at all and yet today, I find I suddenly respect him. Why? Because in a world where everyone is afraid of admitting they were wrong, Russell Brand totally owns up to his pathetic behavior, admits he “crossed the line” in a juvenille way, gives the best apology I have ever heard on TV, and does so while respecting and honouring all parties involved.

Video here [thanks Richard]

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Rob Grayson says:

    Hi Andrew,
    First thing, I do find it a little annoying that this kind of thing is treated as such a major news item, when there’s so much else going on in the world. It was all over the BBC and ITV early evening news.
    Unfortunately Messrs Brand and Ross seem to personify much of what is happening to standards in Britain today. I can’t believe people are paid so much public money to be so vile and disgusting. In light of this, I too was more than a little surprised to see Mr Brand’s apparently heartfelt apology.
    I say “apparently”…the cynic in me wonders whether the apology isn’t just a PR exercise that Mr Brand and his advisors decided was the best way to limit damage to his image. But I suppose we are called to look for the best in people, so I’m prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. I won’t be watching his TV show, though…

  • Hi Andrew
    Sorry to go off topic but since your blog changed to its new format I have to scroll miles down the screen to see the first blog post. Is there something I need to adjust etc? Cheers

  • andrew jones says:

    shouldnt happen unless it didnt load properly. it seems to be working fine for me.
    if it happens again, could you tell me what browser you are using. appreciate it.

  • Yes, sounds very sincere. It could just be well written and well acted – but let’s give him the benefit of the doubt.
    BTW I can get your blog to line up ok on firefox but not on internet explorer – looks like the same problem mentioned above. I’m on Windows XP and I thought it was due to my settings which have been messed around recently as my screen went but I am now back on 1024 resolution and it’s still not behaving.

  • Bene D says:

    Yeah, same here on IE Vista and XP. Okay in FF.

  • Mike R says:

    If you look at the widescreen version of the apology on youTube, you’ll see that there’s actually a picture of Stalin on the wall behind him.
    Just a coincidence?

  • Thanks a lot for a bunch of good tips. I look forward to reading more on the topic in the future. Keep up the good work! This blog is going to be great resource. Love reading it

  • Thanks for sharing good information about “Russell Brand – Best TV Apology of the Year”, Regards.

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