The Return of the Drop Spindle

No, its not a fad. Not yet, anyway. But drop spindles are a fun way to start spinning your own wool. Debbie just made some that are really unusual. Heres the story.

I told you about our piano dilemma a while ago: Gorgeous antique piano with an ancient and warped sound board. It would have been a sin to dump it. It was just too precious to throw away so we decided to carefully dismantle it and make some imaginative things. Out of all the products we made, the funnest have been these drop spindles. You know, those twirly things that spin wool so you can knit.

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The bottom of the spindle is the hammer from the piano. And Debbie (who is a fantastic potter) threw some clay on her wheel and created these funky pottery discs that look really amazing when you twirl them around to spin your wool. They are very cool! But of course, there are only as many drop spindles as there are antique piano hammer keys. People can buy the drop spindles on Debbie’s online shop called Gone 2 Pot . Debbie also wrote a little booklet on how to use the drop spindle which she includes in the kit, along with some wool from the Orkney Islands.


And if are interested in Debbie’s most recent creations in the pottery studio, take a look around.

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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