Emerging Church: The Missing Link


Linda at I Wonder as I Wander has been asking for the missing link to my emerging church series in 2005 so that she can complete the set. Here is the invisible post known as Number 4 – Emergant: New Media Fluency and here is the whole set:

Emergant: The Skinny on the Global Emerging ChurchIntro, 1, 2, 3, 4

Don’t forget this was 2005 and a lot of movements around the globe were using the term “emerging church” to describe what they were doing without any reference to USA or any knowledge of people like Rob Bell who would be labelled as such. I should also say that movements like Tribal Generation have been growing like crazy and replicating into other countries and the emerging church movement is alive and well but is having to rename itself to win its own identity.

Picture 4-4

Speaking of Brazil and Tribal Generation who I discuss in number 2 about the countercultural history of the emerging church over the past 40 years, I have some news . . .

. . Olgavaro just told me that Tribal Generation in Brazil are coming to UK on Dec 13 to “discuss “church planting for the new generation in our society” My friends in Hungary are thinking of coming over. Would any other countries out there want to be involved? It could easily be a worthwhile Europe-wide event if there was enough interest.

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

1 Comment

  • linda says:

    thanks so much for being so gracious to respond to my emails – and to give me a shout out on your blog – when i’m sure you must get a gazillion each day! i think your series on emergAnt is one many people would benefit by reading to understand where we crazy folks in the emerging/emergent/missional conversation are getting these ideas, and that it is likely not a passing fad but a real shift in the way we do are church today.

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