Alt. Worship to Emerging Church to ?

Interesting article by Brian Draper on the Alt. Worship movement with Andy Thornton suggesting in 1998 that the movement was at a crossroads. With so many people suggesting the hat no longer fits and we should dump the term, and even the South Africans getting upset in being misrepresented [read Codrington on MacArthur), it makes…

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Wedding Anniversary today

21 years of heavenly marital bliss and glorious happiness . . . . and I should add that I have really enjoyed the marriage also. Debbie and I were married on August 8,1987 at First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton, California, also known as the Pizza Hut. Rev. Ken Bemis married us. We drove my…

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Emerging Church: Use the Word or Dump it?

“Emerging Church”. Music to some and fingernails on blackboard to others. Should we use this term or not as we launch another project? Part of me says yes and the other part says no. Here is my predicament: I have been asked to help set up an “Emerging Church Fund” that supports the global emerging…

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Google Insights for Search

Its another wicked cool tool from Google. Their insight for search tool lets you see word searches over time and within geographical regions. The search term “emerging church” for example, has been declining in use since its peak in early 2007 and South Africans come out on top as the top users of this term.…

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Roundtable for bloggers and church 2.0 geeks.

We are planning a roundtable next March in Austin, Texas during SXSW for some leading thinkers who want to see the blogosphere used wisely and effectively for mission. I will be there, Darren Rowse of Problogger said he will be there, and already a few others. Could you help me by recommending someone who should…

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Alan Creech’s short history of the emerging church

“You’ve got to understand that many of us have been doing what we’re doing, in some form, for much longer than the term emerging church has even existed.” Alan Creech, What I am and what i am not – or a short history and explanation of the wider “emerging church”. Back in 2001, when I…

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Philanthropy’s New Passing Gear

New PDF from the Rockafeller Foundation called Philanthropy’s New Passing Gear: Mission-Related Investing which is described as “A Policy and Implementation Guide for Foundation Trustees” Technorati Tags: philanthropy

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Alltop from Guy Kawasaki

“We help you explore your passions by collecting stories from ‘all the top’ sites on the web.” Guy Kawasaki and friends have just launched Alltop, an info service that aggregates the top websites. Nice to see Tallskinnykiwi and friends among their Alltop Church search. Its a different approach, as these diagrams on Guy’s blog explain.…

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Heres one for the locals. I saw a photoshop opportunity on the ferry from Orkney Islands and couldn’t resist. Thanks to my wife for being a good sport. [She’s not really a wench!] In case you were wondering, it actually says “Winch”.

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Cantle with Jim McNeish

We spent last night with Jim McNeish at the House of Cantle. Really nice people and Jim is a perceptive, casual, really super nice guy. He does leadership training here at his fantastic house. Its an impressive house but actually, the casual atmosphere here makes it seem like home. All our kids got their own…

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We’re all going on a summer holiday.

We are taking off for a long weekend in Glasgow and Inverness. A short holiday. This will be the first time this year our kids [except Abigail] have been off the island. Debbie really needs a break. She has been working solidly for two months without a break, ever since we launched the Sorting Room.…

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Wordle and My Blog

This is Tallskinnykiwi wordled at Very cool. Almost as much fun as Grokking your Blog. Found it first on Pyros. Anyone else? Technorati Tags: wordle

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Avoiding legal fires in the blogosphere

I was talking last year about potential fires in the blogosphere and gave some thoughts (below). Obviously things are far more tense now than in 2007. If I was to add a “p” word to my list below then it would be “Promiscuity” – ie, the promiscuous nature of new media in constantly seeking new…

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