Wedding Anniversary today

21 years of heavenly marital bliss and glorious happiness . . . . and I should add that I have really enjoyed the marriage also. Debbie and I were married on August 8,1987 at First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton, California, also known as the Pizza Hut. Rev. Ken Bemis married us. We drove my silver cadillac to Palm Springs for our honeymoon. Debbie is a wonderful woman who is committed to life-long relationship with me and life-long pilgrimage with God. She didn’t want to marry an American because she was scared of getting stuck with someone who would worship his career and not make it out overseas into missions and social enterprise. Pray for endurance and patience for Debbie as she puts up with me.

Jonny and Jenny Baker were married on exactly the same day as us so shout out to them also.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Was it a double wedding?

  • Miz Melly says:

    Congratulations ANdrew and Debbie – have a happy day. I am pondering the wonders of marriage today too – my grandparents who were married for 54 years before my Grandpa’s death in ’93. Amazing. TOday is the anniversary of my Grandmother’s death last year. I wrote a little piece about her if you wanted to check it out. But maybe look at it tomorrow. Today you should spend a lovely day with your beautiful life. Congrats again – have a terrific day.
    Miz Melly

  • ally simpson says:

    Congrats guys, we got married last year on 29th March, its a blast so far but i guess after 21 years you know a bit more……………bless you both

  • andrew says:

    david – no. the bakers were married in uk and we were married in usa and we did not meet each other until we came to Europe in 2000.

  • brad says:

    Lovely! Congrats on 21, Andrew and Debbie, and Lord willin’, trust you’ll have many many more together. Good to have known you for a lot of those 21, and to have seen you two grow as people, as a couple, and witness your amazing journey together. Cheers …

  • bea says:

    hooray! here’s to the next 21 years! just think how fab the sex will be then when age forces you to slow down even more than you are conciously doing now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • becky says:

    They are saying this is a lucky day for marriages and y’all proved this. Kewl.

  • becky says:

    They are saying this is a lucky day for marriages and y’all proved this. Kewl.

  • Peggy says:

    The Abbess sends her congratulations to you and your precious bride.
    08/08, eh? Isn’t something monumental supposed to happen today…08/08/08? Well, other than the celebrations up in Orkney, that is…. 😉

  • Awesome, just pulled an all nighter….bunch of reasons, dropped my sis and her kid off at the Austin airport and came home to find your post, ( i’m a bit bleary eyed) – but MEGA congrats, Uber Love, Blessings beyond measure…. oh ummm, that was all for Debbie, so now i should pray for you!- ermmmm…. ummmm…. give him the grace to let her shine to the fullest!
    Ok, so you guys rock… have a Happy – and do NOTHING that resembles work!
    xoxo sending love in a huge ice cream box!

  • Dana Ames says:

    Belated but heartfelt good wishes- hope to meet you both in person one day.
    Just got back to the computer after having gone to Arizona to celebrate my father-in-law’s 80th birthday on the 8th.

  • Cynthia says:

    Happy Belated Anniversary – wishing you fresh new strings for the instrument of your marriage and beautiful, harmonious music for many more years to come.

  • i have been married for 3 months and would love to catch up with you. i think being married is so good.

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