This week: Amsterdam, London, Norway

This week my travels take me to Amsterdam, London (Cell UK European Symposium) and Norway (Dawn Europe meeting in Kristiansund). I am not doing any big public meetings but you can read what happened when i went to Amsterdam earlier this year and the emerging church folk came out of their holes. I see that WiMax congress on mobile internet is on and I might see if there is a way i can sneak in without paying the 2000+ Euros. Gatecrashing conferences is not a habit of mine, although its true i did sneak into the Amsterdam 2000 Billy Graham gathering for evangelists nearly 8 years ago . . . in the exact same building . . . now if i can just remember how I did it.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • derek says:

    dude you snuck into that conference because i was there to divert the gatekeepers with rhetoric about types of baptism or something–what i remember is we both made it in and never actually saw one another; did get to see Billy on the overhead though, and received a few mantels or something—love ya bro

  • andrew says:

    hey derek. weird how we both crashed the party. who knew? huh? who knew?

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