DoYouDiggIt Dug My Diggins and I can Dig that

“Naturally not all of us are as religiously inclined as Andrew is, but even those who waiver in faith, or stand strong yet are in need of a higher level of understanding, have something of value to learn from Andrew. Andrew presents emerging religion and related issues, but is not preachy or overbearing in any way. His blog is as a blog should be—a platform for conversation and education.” What A Tall Skinny Kiwi Can Tell You About Faith And Life In These Modern Times,

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If a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach then the way to a blogger’s heart is through his ego. Really, giving us a mention is like throwing a peanut to a monkey, or a hundred dollar bill to a televangelist [ . . . ahh . . no similarity intended . . ] Do You Diggit have a profile on my blog today and I am VERY HONORED indeed to get a mention. Thanks!

If you are interested in blogging AND the new media then please come to BlogWorld Expo in Las Vegas and hear me speak on Godblogging and the missional church, sponsored by the good people at GodblogCon who are running their micro-conference inside the bigger one. My gosh! Did that blogger just turn an innocent post of gratitude to DoYoudiggit into a flippin’ advertisement?What a PIMP! Details on BlogWorldExpo here.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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