Update: radio interview, dark room, etc

– We are all OK. Weather changing every day.

– Radio Orkney came out yesterday and interviewed Debbie (my wife) and some of the others involved in the Sorting Room that launches in 3 weeks. Debbie was also in the paper this morning from an interview with the newspaper folk regarding starting up her pottery business. What a CELEBRITY!!

– Someone donated their dark room equipment to us – all in perfectly preserved condition from the 70’s. We had just cleaned out one of the old toilet blocks to make room for the dark room that I will be using to develop my medium format film.

– Opening day is 22nd of May. Special events all weekend. Good time to come and visit.

– Debbie’s brother-in-law Eric from New York and his wife Jenny are coming to visit next week.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Heidi Renee says:

    Awesome news on the dark room. I have a beloved Canon AE1 w/ lenses I would love to donate to a good home, and since so few are really using film anymore it’s harder and harder to find someone who would love it as much as I did. (it was a graduation present from my parents) – I still have all the original boxes and it’s been well cared for – so if anyone in your community is really getting into film photography I would be happy to send it to you.

  • andrew says:

    wow. thanks. let me run it through the group and see. talk to you on email.

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