Graphing Social Patterns East 2008

I am thinking seriously about attending the Graphing Social Patterns event in Washington, DC. June 9 – 11. Looks fantastic and it will have a bearing on some of the web 2.0 projects we are doing this year, in particular the online platforms for spiritual pilgrimage and justice issues. Anyone else going? I was thinking of asking if i could live-blog the conference in return for a pass. Lets see what they say.

Related: GISUser, Upcoming, O’Reilly, Facebook,

TSK: Church 2.0


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • becky says:

    Andrew – if you go, let me know. I know some people based in DC, who are involved with a global 9/11 unity walk. That strikes me as up your alley. Also, this is a long shot but I can see if anyone at Sojourners is available to meet with you.

  • andrew says:

    thanks becky. i visited the sojourners office last time i was there in DC (9 years ago) but they wont remember me.

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