We are launching a new project called “Training Trail” that we believe will help enable global, mobile, missional discipleship for the emerging culture. We all hate the word “training trail” and expect something better to take its place but in the meantime, we need $10,000 to get this thing going. We have been kicking it around for 5 years and 2008 is the year we believe God wants us to get it going. You can read details here.
Also, if you are going on a spiritual pilgrimage this year, I would like to know about it – where you are going, with whom, why, what you hope to achieve, and what technologies you will be using. And when you get back I am interested in how you will live out pilgrimage values in your home town. Please send me an email.
Technorati Tags: pilrimage , training trail
I think you could do with some spaces! Here are some:
Interesting project.
Andrew, a few years ago I raised the suggestion about re-tracing the London to Canterbury pilgrimage immortalized by Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales.” During the pilgrimage the participants could share tales (in modern English, please!) and blog the pilgrimage for those who can’t make it. I’m planning on bringing my family and spending the summer of 2009 in Europe and would LOVE to help organize a 21st Century version of the “Canterbury Tales.”
Anyone interested?
paul – thanks – we all need a little space sometimes.
Goyo – that is precisely what i would like to follow. please tell me when the time gets nearer.
would you blog from your phone during your pilgrimage?