Blogs this week

The blog to watch this week is I AM JOSH BROWN as he deals with criticisms of Emergent – thats referring to Emergent Village, not the global emergent church movement. Introduction is here and the first one is: “Emergent is just a bunch of white guys sitting around and talking theology.”

It will also be interesting to see discussion on Rowan Williams and Sharia Law in UK, and NT Wright’s recent comments on heaven. Mysticism and the emerging church is tackled by The Rebel God and I should have a few book reviews later in the week, including Tony Jones’s book The New Christians.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • josh says:

    thanks for the link. i’m looking forward to your thoughts. since you’re pretty much the resident european in the whole deal. i’m sure you’ve got some nice thoughts regarding label/brand/white men.

  • andrew says:

    resident european, what a compliment . . since we left usa for europe only 7 years ago. ooopps nearly 8. yikes.
    thanks josh. chat during the week.

  • Mike says:

    Good links here. Thanks much.

  • Chris says:

    Thanks for bringing up the latest NT Wright conversation about the afterlife. Seems controversial enough for me. I am still processing, but should be blogging on it soon.

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