I am back today to blogging after a break. Consider me online. Heres what’s going on with me.
Coming out of the Christmas/New Years Tunnel and emerging into the work rhythm of 2008. Debbie and I are doing a 3-4 day anti-toxin fast using a formula with maple syrup, cayenne pepper and lemon. That will flush out the week of feasting but I hope it will also cure me of my tea and coffee dependency and remind my body that i am still the boss.
I preached yesterday at the local Baptist church. I geared it more to men. I read an article last week that only 1% of men attend church regularly in UK. One of the biggest criticisms was that the preachers never talk about stuff. Men like to argue, not listen. Men dont like to sing sissie songs and hold hands with strangers like a bunch of wossies. Men like to push themselves to achieve goals and accomplish great things. Men like to talk about the STUFF of life.
So I talked about stuff. I talked about my new planner system (Filofax) and how Genesis 1 gives a creative rhythm for the work week. I talked about my recent computer upgrade to MAC OS 10.5 and the joy of being born again. I talked about my fitness goals for 2008 which involve passing the test to be a smoke jumper. And some other stuff. I dressed in my puma boxing boots, track pants and sweatshirt. It seemed to go down pretty well.
This week: writing and admin and sorting out stuff. mainly writing.
Next week: Oxford and Amsterdam
aha. i see you are doing the master cleanse? good stuff. doing the saltwater cleanse in the morning isn’t the most pleasurable experience in the mornings… but it does help along the “ungunking” process. miss you guys…
how great can it be!? i love the idea preaching to the men/man! “I dressed in my puma boxing boots, track pants and sweatshirt.” in what kind of dress should be preach anyway, if not in (about) this kind a stuff? it’s gonna be an interesting/adventures 2008!
Hey Andrew. Happy New Year! Re. men stuff… check out ‘Dead Men Walking’ by Baz Gascoigne and Lee Jackson. Plus their follow up book… ‘Cut to the Chase’.
welcome back to blogging. have missed your blog of late.
enjoy the master cleanse. Jess and I did it after you guys left and it was Great.
i didnt know it was called that . . . and i didnt know it was so . .
so . . . .
so . . .
. . . FADDISH!
but thanks. we will enjoy it.
Hello mate,
Really like the idea of talking about stuff. We give credence to the value of the material, and treat dualism with the contempt it deserves and yet our sermons are often so abstract and its application so esoteric. I think I have learned to engage with theology on a largely philosophical level, yet I love stuff – looking round my room I see ski’s, my bike, my trainers, my radio – all carefully chosen for their aesthetics and function, and all here to remind me of things I love, and yet I think I am secretly suspicious of stuff because of the danger of materialism.
However as I think about it materialism is not a problem except when it becomes greed. Stuff is Good, it is from God, it is to be enjoyed.
Anyway – thanks for the thought provocation!
HA! doing the same cleanse…. tooo funny….
seems the tribe needs a detox! But this should help…. it’s a detox bath…….
2 cups of sea salt… (or go outside and grab some water and heat it!!)
2 cups baking soda……
3 table spoons of powdered ginger…..
Hot as you can stand it water…
it really works for sore muscles… and that over all fatigue thing… esp… if your doing a internal detox.
love ya dude….
touch in when you can…. “word is brewing”-
just on back burner… but i’m sifting a few things in the Spirit.
xo K8