Bloggers at Allelon Conference on Monastic Orders

Conference on Mission Orders is going really well and there are some bloggers here that i have met in the blogosphere but never face to face.

Talkin’ bout Blind Beggar, Brother Maynard (whose name is not really Maynard), Len Hjalmarson, Bill Kinnon and others. Fantastic to hang with them here. Oh . .  Rob Robinson also. And of course lots of ex-bloggers (Futurist Guy) and pre-bloggers.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • brad brisco says:

    I hope one of you guys are going to be blogging during your time, yes?

  • Rick Meigs says:

    One of the great joys of such gatherings is to put faces with names and being able to spend time face-to-face in good conversation. Loved meeting you Andrew and the time we had together over a good Northwest micro-brew.

  • Rickard says:

    It was a treat to get to meet you again. I am still laughing at some of our conversations(mainly because I am first now getting the jokes 🙂 )You are such a gift to us because you have the courage to be human. I like that about you. I did start anothet blog…thanks for the inspiration. I am trying to get my wife’s permition and the wide angle lens to do the Missional Moon video. Look for it soon…

  • Bill Kinnon says:

    Hmmm. So I guess our brief time in Montreal together you thought was virtual?
    ‘Twas great to see you, again!

  • andrew says:

    ah yes. i had met the great bill kinnon in montreal earlier this year but . . i guess . . he did not make a great impression on me. . . he he he

  • Rob Robinson says:

    Andrew, After following your blog for a while now, it was great to meet you face to face. A great word to describe you is “authentic.” One memory I will carry with me from our four days together, was being “carded” (I think that is the term) with you and the others on Monday night in an attempt to imbibe some good Northwest brew. Yes — it was wonderful to meet the great Bill Kinnon as well.

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