
Still going through a transition and i dont feel ready to reemerge yet.

I am current unblogging. I have just been telling the Google bot not to look at certain parts of my blog that might be sensitive to certain countries and ministries. And I am trying to rehaul my blog and make it match my life in a holistic way, not just thoughts on one area.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Carlo says:

    Good idea on the holistic thing. I enjoy reading emerging blogs but a fair few seem to focus on one or two areas (which only form part of the picture), often skipping some of the really crucial things like loving God, developing trust in him and spotting how the kingdom is extending where they are.

  • Jenelle says:

    Good for you on the change. Tell those bots to go eat some ice cream.
    Like Carlo, I’m really bored with emerging blogs. I want to read about people’s lives, not just their pontificating about emergent-everything.

  • Peggy says:

    Blessings to you in all the areas of change and growth, Andrew. I look forward to meeting you at Seabeck.
    You are in my prayers.

  • It’s a hard balance, especially since I am working in a place that is both ministry and covered by non-disclosure agreements. That and there is only so much one can write on the emerging church 🙂

  • Simon says:

    So, how exactly do you go about telling Google not to look at only parts of your blog, rather than making the whole site unsearchable?

  • bea says:

    robin’s pet caterpillar is also transitioning. he’s just recently gone into his cocoon and we’re looking forward to his re-emergence! must be th right season for it.

  • andrew Jones says:

    simon – Google’s webmaster tools have meta tags to use.

  • whitney says:

    Dang Andrew… Sounds cool!!!

  • ryo says:

    Hope you are able to cope with transition.

  • sounding rather stealth!!!
    Hey… that word is still brewing….
    xo K8

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