My copy of the Africa Bible Commentary arrived this morning. I mentioned this book when it was released but i hadn’t actually seen a copy until today. Its an incredible piece of work with a great story behind it of 70 African theologians and scholars. As well as insightful articles on a wide range of topics, its also a full on Bible Commentary that takes you all the way through the Scriptures with African perspectives. One of the contributors is Joe Kapolyo who I sometimes see in the Church Missionary Society office in London.
Also worth a look, and recommended by SmartChristian, is Bible Maps. This program lets you click on place names in the Bible and see a Satellite image. I had trouble finding the Garden of Eden and Sodom liked like a pile of sand.
Technorati Tags: bible
I’ve been using the Africa Bible Commentary for about 6 months now. Some of it is just your typical commentary from an evangelical perspective, but frequently you get a take on a story, or an application, that just bowls you over. God is big.
Love your blog. How can I send you a copy of my own book, “Bagdhdad Believer?” I think you will find it appropriate to the simple church/simple faith stream you support.
great resource – i have been using it for about a month now. i am preparing for a trip to east africa in october and this is a great gift to hear the heart of african scholars and the unique insights thay bring to the study of scripture!
Also worth a look, and recommended by SmartChristian, is Bible Maps. This program lets you click on place names in the Bible and see a Satellite image. I had trouble finding the Garden of Eden and Sodom liked like a pile of sand.