On the Road in April

Here’s my schedule for those of you praying for me and trying to connect with me or my family. My whole family will be with me for the first two weeks.

2- 3 Edinburgh

4- 5 Wales

6-8 London

9-13 Near Northampton. Speaking 3 times.

14 Easter People Festival, Blackpool. Not speaking.

[family drive home and i fly off solo]

16 London

17-19 EuroChurch, Wilderswil, Switzerland.

21-22 Resonate Greenhouse, Montreal, Canada

24-26 Exponential Conference, Orlando, FL. Not speaking – just hooking up with friends and checking out the scene [Networking Track].

26-29 Denver, CO. DAWN ministries hosted conference for international house church network leaders.

30 London and then home to Orkney on May 1


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • brad grinnen says:

    does your family ever get to go with you?

  • andrew says:

    yeah – they will accompany me on this road trip in but its too expensive for them to fly overseas.
    but we are sometimes on the road for a long time. longest was 2 years in our RV in USA.

  • andrew says:

    yeah – they will accompany me on this road trip in but its too expensive for them to fly overseas.
    but we are sometimes on the road for a long time. longest was 2 years in our RV in USA.

  • DaveBraz says:

    Andrew, We’re really looking forward to your visit to Montreal. Just for the record, you’ll be connecting to our cohorte francophone (www.cafetheo.ca) as well as the Montreal Greenhouse.

  • julie says:

    makes me happy to think about you being with your family like that – brings back lots of lovely memories of our travels with our children and grandparents and all sorts of loved ones – what a rambunctious and merry band of revellers we were – all tumbling along together and excited about open spaced adventures – i hope your journey and times together are just like that !

  • Alan Cross says:

    “Van down by the river.” That always makes me laugh. Man, I miss Chris Farley.
    Look forward to keeping up with your travels, as always.

  • Grant says:

    DENVER!!! YEAH!! I can finally treat you to a pint!! You’ve got my email, if you want to redeem your “e-coupon” – let’s set it up!

  • brad grinnen says:

    great to hear andrew. as i’m traveling more these days, i’m doing my best to get my family with me. seems to be one of those things that can’t be compromised for me. any insights about saying yes to engagements and keeping your family with you?

  • andrew says:

    Brad. One third is the max. time to be away from your family. this is an unwritten rule for missionaries and we often ask each other about it.
    also, i try to do a lot of work on the road so when i come home, my family gets me.
    do you have some more?

  • kent says:

    Do you even come to Chicago?

  • brad grinnen says:

    thanks for the advice and the heads up on the 1/3. i had never heard that before. is that one third of your road trips? or one third of the year?
    i don’t really have more insight. i’ve always traveled a lot. i’ve only been married for close to 4 years. ashamedly i confess that only the last two years have i recognized that keeping my family a priority is as important as it should be. i’ve repented and have started afresh these last two years. so i’m still trying to figure out what that looks like. basically i just make it a condition of being asked to speak somewhere (that is, there must be room for my wife). but as we anticipate having children soon, i’m thinking about how that will play into things. i don’t want to spend any more of my life compromising my family. and this post just got too long. if you have anymore thoughts on the topic, i’d value them highly.

  • andrew says:

    kent – ever come to chicago – yes, sometimes.
    brad – 1/3 of my time away. its been really helpful having a wife who can pack up the family and get them mobile. she doesnt mind roughing it and the kids have learned to sleep in the car during the night and at rest areas.
    another trick. to keep the family from getting too comfortable and untravelworthy, we all sleep on the floor in our living room every friday night.
    and when we do travel, we keep the same dinner menu (pizza on friday) as we do at home. almost the same.

  • brad grinnen says:

    thanks for those insights. i especially like the sleeping on the floor bit…think we’ll be doing that right away.
    80% of my traveling is for camps and retreats, with the other 20% for roundtable discussions concerning youth ministry. while my wife really enjoys being with me, i’m interested to see how my children will be accepted in these settings by total strangers. we’ll see:)
    thanks again, i’m always looking for help in this area.

  • kent says:

    Well if you are ever in Chicago not only would I love to come and see you but I would also be honored to buy you dinner. (I don’t drink, sorry, too much of hassle in my ministry, diminishing returns and all that.)

  • are you speaking in edinburgh? if so, would love to hear the details so I can make time for it

  • Miracle says:

    I live in the Orlando area. It could be a good chance to talk about the pilgrimmage site.

  • Simon Cross says:

    Hi Andrew, drop us a line if you are in South Wales (Swansea/Llanelli area) at all, would love to meet you!

  • just the north, simon. but maybe next time

  • Mak says:

    if you’re meeting up with Grant in Denver, we have to tag along – or at least watch you from across the street – we won’t be too obvious about it

  • Bobby says:

    The glocalnet guys are going to be there in Orlando as well (Bob is one of the speakers). Look forward to seeing you!

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