I had a dream last night about John MacArthur. He had set up an event inside a small trailer and I was there – and we had a good chat. He was congenial and we shared some laughs. We also shared our different viewpoints and he pushed hard on his own thoughts. But it was a good experience . .. ahh . . dream . . and I feel close to the man. Maybe dreams don’t count for much in the dispensational theology of Dr John MacArthur but they make a difference for me.
I just noticed that his big event – The 2007 Shepherd’s Conference – starts today. Now there’s a coincidence. Tim Challies is live blogging the conference.
Related: John MacArthur’s book called the Truth War, coming out really soon, will not be complimentary of the emerging church at all. Dan Kimball has already posted somewhat of a defense called “Please dont stereotype the Emerging Church”.
Technorati Tags: shepherds conference
hmm… one of the first books I read as a Christian was John MacArthur’s ‘the Murder of Jesus’ which I can recommend as an excellent lent read. Since then I have come to be nurtured by a whole range of writers John Stott, Don Carson, Henri Nouwen, even Brian McLaren but one thing that hasn’t changed is my conviction that the truth doesn’t need defending, it needs seeking.
Like I said before…
I hope to be half as nice as you someday… in that I will be a better man…
Did he say anything in your dream about premillenialism?