The Portuguese crowd had a conference last weekend which went really well. Barbara, who i have mentioned before, is raising money for some land near Lisbon where many of them will live in community and have a base for ministry around Europe and among street kids in the cities. Some of us are putting a little money towards it because we believe in the vision and in this exciting and passionate emerging leaders. Read more about this land on Barbara’s blog ShantiPilgrim. Check out her little hut in the woods . .
I had a fantastic time in Portugal back in 2004 [blogged it here] and I will be there again September 10 -12, 2007
Technorati Tags: emerging church
hey dude… here your gonna be at shannon’s…. we have a phone date!!!! Just to hear your voice…… just got off the phone with her. so looking forward to speaking on i think wednesday!!!! just heads up.. word is brewing for you … was gonna write it… but i’d rather speak it!!!!
xoxo cat K8
I really dig what these portuguese (sic?) cats are doing. And I really envy this little shack
Thanks Andrew…it’s really cool you’re posting that…
I might see you in May in Germany 🙂
still praying and deciding about it…
money for this land in portugal is money for a very good cause. i’ve told barbara this before but i’ve never known anyone like her in whom Jesus seems to reside so comfortably.
I am so happy to see this post, because I, too know Barbara, and I swear that she breathes and sweats out Shalom. Like no one else I’ve ever met. I can’t wait to see what God does through this little plot of land…