Where in the World is SliceofLaodicea?

UPDATE: Slice is gone and behold . . .  Christian Research Network is now cometh. Sharper graphics. More researchers. Rick Warren should take note.

ORIGINAL: Iggy is asking the whereabouts of Emergent-Nemesis site SliceofLaodicea.com, which is now pointing to Ingrid’s site VCY America. Among the other inquirers are SliceOLaodicea.com and SlicedLaodicea.com. The best guess is that it was taken down over a name and number privacy issue but will reappear soon. In the meantime,  SOL contributer Rev Ken Silva, who has still not changed the unfortunately named URL on his previous post re: Frank Page (i gave him a heads up 2 days ago) can be found at his own site Apprising Ministries.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • John Smulo says:

    I suppose that URL is one way to generate traffic from a different crowd than normally visits his site ๐Ÿ™‚

  • hehe..
    I’ll bet people with filtering programs are denied access to that page..
    Apprising Ministries – warning: offensive content on these pages ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Mike says:

    Must of been one of those days when the author was sitting on his brain ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Roy says:

    Man for a split second I thought, as I cliked on their link, “wow, maybe they’ve gotten the idea, maybe they are stopping the madness.” But I doubt it.

  • Roy says:

    This was a letter circulated to Slice readers, found by Patrick at sliceoflaodicea.com. They are going underground and will arise stronger than ever:
    January 6,2007
    Dear Slice Readers:
    A new website is under development that will incorporate the writing talents of several different contributors on discernment issues facing the church. While the Slice format was popular and useful, we are hoping that the new format will be superior in the way it offers needed information for the body of Christ. When the new website is up, it will have a new domain but the http://www.sliceoflaodicea.com address will link directly to it. We hope to have the site up and running within two weeks. At the time that the new site is unveiled, there will be new contact information available.
    A warm thank you to all of you who read and benefited from the links and articles on Slice. However imperfectly the information was presented, our hearts desire here at Slice was to lift up the name of Jesus and to draw people back to the Word of God.
    Ingrid Schlueter

  • Still in Junior High are we?

  • Mike says:

    Well…I for one enjoy the Slice. I can’t say I agree with everything that gets posted but it is informative.
    Biblical accountability is sadly lacking today. Never fear those who may confront your ideals…they may be right.

  • Roy says:

    Hey maybe the junior high thing is true. I get really immature & angry when people pick on my brutha TD Jakes, one of the coolest preachers around.

  • maybe it is kinda childish to laugh over such things.
    thanks Ken, for being a good sport. Please know that if my dearest friends would have created such a URL, then they also would get the same attention.
    and Ken, I thought you did pretty well on teh Mike C. program. i didnt agree wiht everything but many things i did agree with .

  • Sar-right Andrew ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Mike says:

    This is one of the reasons why I love this blog, your a bridge builder.
    Ken…your a good guy too.

  • Victor says:

    Andrew, just wanted to say that I appreciate your tone with the whole sliceoflaodicea thing.

  • Pastorastor says:

    Wow, a new site that “will incorporate the writing talents of several different contributors on discernment issues facing the church.” Have they sacked the old ones? They must have! Doesn’t this sound as an apology? “However imperfectly the information was presented, our hearts desire here at Slice was to lift up the name of Jesus and to draw people back to the Word of God.”
    MAN, did they miss the mark! I thought their mission statement would sound something like: “to smear and ridicule anyone and anything that is not us, but in particular the Emerging Church”.

  • Pastorastor says:

    OOOOps! Sorry, lost the tone. Iยดm bad. Sorry.

  • Tom Allen says:

    For some folk in the UK this was all a big laugh – I wasn’t the only UK Christian who read the site for some months thinking it was a brilliant spoof only to discover when it started to get kind of nasty that these folks were serious. It was only then that cuckoos etc came to mind, and I stopped reading the site because if it is not supposed to be a spoof then it is hard to believe that it is possible to have any worthwhile dialogue or indeed within the kind of boundaries that the good Lord would have regarded as being “faithful”.

  • Mike says:

    Point taken. we can have a differnt opinion, but it must be handled in the correct way.
    I found the Slice informative and showed just how nutty some churches have become. I agree with your thoughts on tone. At times it was over the top.
    As far as the Emerging church goes, it was clear that the writers had never visited one.

  • Dj Vicar says:

    No relevence to this topic but i love this snap thing.
    Gonna add to my site!

  • Rich Schmidt says:

    The whole “no comments” thing at Ingrid’s new site and the sites it links to (at least at Silva’s Apprising Ministries) is sooooooooo frustrating! Every now and then I get sucked back into reading their stuff, and it just makes me want to pull my hair out. I see them misunderstanding something or someone, mischaracterizing people’s beliefs, etc., and I want to reply… but they aren’t interested.
    *shudder* Sorry, it just kind of gives me the creeps.

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