At Big Chill House

Update: Meeting went really well. So glad we chose Big Chill House as the venue for our business meeting. Funky space, nice staff, and a great lunch menu. Food was incredible and cost around £8-10 each main course. And having a free room was a cheap way of running a meeting.

The Naxos Nook was comfortable but there were no power outlets for computers and the Wifi was not connected to the internet. This wasnt a problem for us since were were not using computers or internet, but I would not use the room for multimedia presentations.

As for our meeting, we had about 14 ministry leaders during the day including British, Germans and Americans. Thanks to Lee Behar of the Maclellan Foundation for great advice and guidance in making our dreams a reality.

 S1G0088 Th-1

Hey. I look forward to meeting some of you today at the Big Chill House in London. We have booked the room called Naxos Nook which is next to the Love Inn. Very cool space. We must use it again for other events. Thanks Jonny B for suggesting this meeting space.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • matt says:

    The Naxos Nook sounds nice but the Love Inn sounds like a place where a bunch of pilgrims should be hanging out…

  • gareth says:

    ha – this is funny – we had my wifes birthday on friday in that same spot – its a cool little venue as you overlook the dj booth and bars…
    the love inn is actually not that great – no seating apart from a few bean bags…

  • Welcome to my parish!
    May the barman rise up to meet you.
    May the smog be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face;
    the rains fall soft upon your hat and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

  • appreciate that Mark – but it actually SNOWED during my time in London and i snuck out and took some photos of snowy British Library.
    and the barman did indeed rise to meet me with gifts of amber, froth and hops.

  • cindz says:


  • Dan says:

    Thanks for the warm welcome at the Naxos room, Andrew. Great to meet everyone there.

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