Reflections on Global Briefing.

Thanks for asking . . . the meetings went really well. Steve Steele pulled it all together with humor, tact and wise counsel. The Maclellan Foundation is a fantastic team of people who are absolutely committed to God and his what He is doing around the world.

Which reminds me of the story of this evangelist who came up to someone and said,

"Have you heard about Jesus?"

And the guy replied

"Oh no . . . what's He done now?"

. . . ahh . . . um hummmmmm . .. [cough] . . .. ahh . . but anyway I was on a spiritual high when i flew out of Chattanooga and i was wondering why. There wasn't a "worship" element to the meetings, neither was there a lot of highly motivational presentations – most of it was informational and functional. Mine was especially boring. But I think what was special about the week was the mixing of different groups who found themselves gathered around the heart of God for the world, and the exchanging of trust and giftings. There was a weird reversal of roles: The Foundations were challenging the missions groups to get serious about completing the Great Commission and the missionaries were sharing crucial information about where the money needs to be spent. It was a turning of the tables, in a way, but the unity and partnership level was so high that I soon forgot, or forgot to ask, which people represented the Donors and who were the missionaries. That divide disappeared. I felt part of a team and valued as a player. That was cool!

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BBQ at Sticky Fingers was a treat. Thanks Mike!

My presentation wasn't as inspiring as it could [should] have been. Powerpoint is a creativity-stifler for me and it makes me a prisoner to linear sequentiality and a business program without a soul. I have used Powerpoint only 3 times in my life and always under compulsion, and have never had a good experience with it. It really is the TOOL OF THE DEVIL and I find it almost impossible even to THINK inside the Powerpoint universe. Next time, if they ask me back, I think i will insist on using my usual software (Arkaos) on my own computer (Mac) to do digital storytelling and video-imaging on the fly. Nothing dizzying, as I have on occasion been guilty of, but smart, compelling, and also responsive to questions and being guided by the session.

As for the Great Commission. It seems like we all need to raise our standards and enlarge our visions. There are some hugely exciting things going on globally – the global emerging culture being one of those opportunities – and an equally exciting movement of Foundations and some wealthy folk getting a tap on the shoulder from a God on mission to reconcile the world to Himself. Time to GET WITH THE PROGRAM!

Highlight: Going off for a drink and roaring LAUGH with David Denmark, Nathan, Elbert, Olgavaro and a few others where we told our most embarrassing moments. Elbert's story is unrepeatable here.

Mine? well . . . thats another blog post.

Hey – thanks for your prayers. I tapped into Gordon Robertson's excellent presentation on the future of media and persuasive impact of the internet, along with Olgavaro Bastos Jnr's whizzingly compelling video of the emerging church scene across South America and beyond, to give an overview of the global emerging culture – impacted by this radical change in communications and culture – as one of the great opportunities for God in our current age. I pray that those Foundations will consider this area a priority in their investments and in their prayers over the next few years. And I hope the global emerging church will play its part in making partnership easier and communication backwards more frequent.

Nuff said . . . L8R

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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