At the Global Briefing.

The Global Briefing is going really well here at in Chattanooga, thanks to the good people at the Maclellan Foundation. A good number of other Foundations are here at their request, all of whom are interested in God’s work overseas. I speak tomorrow at 3:40.

Lots of my friends and comrades are here to speak and listen so i am in good company. Channel 3 and 6 just got some footage and left togethger so I guess something might happen on the news tonight.

Yes – sometimes I dress up. Reinhold took this picture of me today.

Andrew Suit

Check out Debbie’s work on my suit coat. Having been inspired last month at the Dries Van Noten HQ in Antwerp, I asked Debbie [my wife] to sew a funky kiwi color onto my suit, turning it from a Thrift Store Marks and Spencer into something unique and mine. Thanks Deb!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • TSK,
    You coming through O’Hare at all?

  • Cathryn says:

    Hey andy… this is CATHRYN THOMAS…. from NC…i know you know my name cuz i sure as hell know yours….. dang… your in my part of the woods… Perhaps one day our tribes will meet… but just in case…. some of our friends are at you can check em out.. Jonathan and Stephen… Ken…. melissa.. Sarah.. their precious. Derek and Amy are home and we’re hoping to hook up at morningstar’s Harvest Fest… which is a many streams of His Kingdom doing a Feast of Tabernacles thing. Be blessed and I’ll keep ya prayer covered while your over here…LOL… Holy Spirit elbow nudged me to check your blog… which i do from time to time…. to know how to pray for you guys. xoxox in HIM…. Phat Shalom that won’t wash off to ya man!!! Praying Phil (hubby) and me can come to your part of the Kingdom one day…. Cathryn

  • Johnny Laird says:

    ….and I thought the thread had just faded!! 😉

  • thanks cathryn. phat shalom back at ya. haggis on me when u come to scotland

  • Cathryn says:

    I’ve heard a lot about Haggis and am raising an eyebrow at the moment… How about you all pray for the gift of translating in the Spirit.. and do the Philip thingy…. it would save so much time and gass… as well a body cavity searches at the airports! And by all means keep the annointing oil in the main lugage… cuz phil had some on his key chain and they thought is was a chemical weapon…. xoxox shalom cathryn

  • scot – no. sorry
    and i have printed off a few copies of your article (Emerging Movement: Fad or Future) to hand out if some people are interested in finding out more. thanks.

  • Marc says:

    You look cool in that suit, Andrew. Like the kiwi colour.

  • Dana Ames says:

    Andrew, this is a great picture. Do you know you don’t smile very much for photos, at least the ones you put on the blog? (Is photosmiling an American thing, that I notice it?) Anyhow, blessings to you & family and safe journeys in the Lord. So wonderful how Debbie’s creativity issues forth.

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