At Redcliffe College and BANNED from my own blog!

I am currently at Redcliffe College in Gloucester – about 2 hours from London. I managed to get the code for the internet but am BANNED from my own blog. I can access other blogs but not mine . . . so if i am not responding to your comments on my site, then you know why. DansGuardian is the company that handles it. I emailed them today.

I am here at Redcliffe for some mission meetings this week in conjunction with CMS. Joe Kapolyo from Zambia gave us an African understanding of the Book of Ruth this afternooon – excellent! This morning I gave a short devotion on third space, and the desert in Scripture. I quoted from an EXCELLENT .PDF by Dr Johnathon Ingleby, who teaches missions at this school. The article, based on a lecture he gave a few months ago, is called “Hybridity or the Third Space and How Shall We Describe the Kingdom [PDF]” and believe me when i say . . . its the PDF OF THE YEAR!!!! Totally worth downloading. Trust me!!!

Kiwi missiologist Cathy Ross just turned up and she will probably teach tomorrow. There’s also a good library here and i am spending some time [outside meetings] doing research on missiology – reading the lectures and papers from the International Missionary Conference in Edinburgh of 1910 – all 8 volumes. Lots of good stuff. Tell you later.

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INAPPROPRIATE??? it must be that comment from Mark Driscoll. . . .


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Truth Seeker says:

    That PDF was alright…not the best I have seen, but okay. Good points, but some straw man and holes in his argument. Got some good things out of it though, some to ponder. But its “okay” overall.

  • Mark says:

    Makes you wonder what the ‘banned combination phrase’ is… Could be anything I guess.

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