The controversy over an emerging church’s NUDE ministry on a Wales beach is uncovered in this ABC media watch report (video here). Glad to hear they found the bare facts and eventually presented the naked truth on what Rev. Adam Sapple was doing there with only a dog collar. Jonny has the skinny-dip.
– Sydney Anglicans have edited their critique online and will send out an apology in next month’s hard copy issue. HT: Bruce Chant
I am betting this video will be the most watched EC-related video of the month.
Technorati Tags: Emergent, emerging church
It bad enough we have emergent people to begin with, now we have to deal with nude emergent people…oye veh! Lord please come back quick!
thanks for that discerning and well-researched response.
and please be careful when criticizing emergent people because i have 5 children that fit that category. just because they live and move in the emerging culture doesnt mean they succumb to all the temptations and idols.
“…thanks for that discerning and well-researched response…”
I dont need to do research to know that this ministry is not one that glorifies God and one that is His will. It is laughable to see “christians” succumbing to the ways of this world to try and share Jesus. How does having a naked body present the Gospel? How? If anything it is a stumbling block. It does not make sense and this is typical of many emergent folks. They take some wacked out idea that the world has and tries to capitalize on it. Why not just give the bare (pardon the pun) facts. We dont need to be nude!!
Also, I will criticize the emergent movement because I dont want my children being exposed or being a part of it. I see way too much in it that throws up red flags that the movement as a whole is unbiblical and I will not waver from that. My kids will not be a part of this rubbish of a movement. They will, however, be trained in the solid word of God and they will learn to share Jesus with a dying world without buying into the seeker-friendly mentality that emergent’s have bought into and they will keep their clothes on!
Have a great day!
After I read a rabid comment at Slice in response to a comment you had made on house churches, I attempted to log my own comment in your defense. To my utter frustration, I found out that I am now blocked from commenting there.
When I found out that Slice took the bait on this story hook, line and sinker, however, I relaxed a little. To the pure he shows himself pure, but to the crooked he shows himself shrewd (Ps. 18:26).