
Divergent was the Emergent Conversation held in Geneva this week. Official title was “Priests, Prophets and Theologians: Divergent views on the future of the Church (PDF) Podcasts and other media are on their way.

We met in John Calvins church during the day and stayed in a large house in France at night. 3 days of talking which became a little wearing on me – but it may have been worse for those who had to listen to me and the others on the panels.

Brian McLaren did extremely well. What a guy! Gracious and balanced and thoughtful as usual. Jason Clark also distinuished himself. Peter Rollins from Belfast was the wild card and brought a fresh flavor to the conversation. I also got to meet David Fleming and Paul Holley.

I moderated the panel on the ethics discussion and also found myself on the missional-language panel, as well as the wrapup panel – where i shared that the conversation we had was necessary but a little too intellectual. Maybe I am partly to blame for that. As I said in that final panel, if we demand that everyone know all these philosophers, history and must go through Seminary to participate in this conversation, then we are in need of Reformation ourselves.

Speaking of reformation, we had an inspiring reformation tour through Geneva – pictures and stories to come when i get home.

Joshua Case from Shema in Geneva did a great job in organising this event. Much thanks.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Liz says:

    “Divergent views on the future of the Church”
    Brian, Jason, Peter, David, Paul, Joshua, Andrew…
    Not diverging from ye olde gender bias then 😉

  • Dana Ames says:

    What struck me is that all you whippersnappers were meeting in Calvin’s church! Ha! That’s too good. And he was probably happy to have you there…

  • http://www.boarsheadtavern.com/archives/2006/05/12/0840984.html

    Two cool things from the Kiwi:
    First, Guerilla Gardening. Ill bet our resident crunchy con would like this. I cant see it catching on in the suburban sprawl I currently live in, but I can think of a few sites toward the center of the Twin…

  • Sivin says:

    I like what you said here : “if we demand that everyone know all these philosophers, history and must go through Seminary to participate in this conversation, then we are in need of Reformation ourselves.” That is a constant challenge for those of us familiar with the lingo. I too noticed the John Calvin church bit. 🙂 When would your next trip to Malaysia be?

  • Matybigfro says:

    Have to affirm the
    “if we demand that everyone know all these philosophers, history and must go through Seminary to participate in this conversation, then we are in need of Reformation ourselves.”
    Speaking as someone who hasn’t been to seminary or fully studied history or philosophy it is sometimes hard to fully get in on the conversation
    If this movement is to truelly bless the many it must learn to speak to, make sense or and communicate with those who don’t read the same books as them (that is if they read at all)

  • Andrew says:

    yeah – and i am also to blame. sometimes i dont know the subject well enough to communicate it in easy language. maybe this is why i get so frustrated with myself.

  • Ashley Bunting says:

    Hi Andrew!
    Just wanted to say “hi” and thanks again so much for coming. Your presence was gracious, wise, humble, and much-appreciated! (Someone on your blog has to give you as much credit as you’ve given to others.) 🙂 It was great to get to know you in person, and I’m still appreciating what you’ve said about the conversation being too euro- and male-centered, and there are some great steps to take to improve this.
    Thanks for who you are! ashley bunting

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  • andrew says:

    ashley- you should have been up there on teh panel
    and sivin – i was invited in october to malaysia for a Lausanne thing but dont think i can manage it

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