Squirming into the Mission of God

“. . . And so I am praying healing for John Wimber, surrounded by charasmaniacs and Korean Power Rangers and space cadets of all kinds, and TV cameras are pointed at me and all i could think about were my fundamentalist friends and churches where i preached who were going to write me off forever…

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Another Top Ten Emerging Church Article

More Than a Fad: Understanding the Emerging Church, by Walter Henegar I was holding my breath when i saw the title. Most attempts at defining the emerging church are RUBBISH. But I was pleasantly surprised by this article which could easily make it into my top ten list. Its written for an American Presbyterian audience…

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Daily Kos: MegaBlog

Daily Kos reaches 600.000 visitors a day – more than almost any newspaper except for the Big Few. Andrew Lih, who was present with me at the We Media event, has some good thoughts on “self-regulated user-contributed content communities”. Technorati Tags: blog

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Soliton Sessions

Ahhhhhhhh. I had to pull out of speaking at Soliton Sessions. Again. My apologies to Greg and the gang. I have heard soooo many good things about this event and still have not been able to get there. Luckily, there will be other speakers there who are far more interesting than me, including some of…

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You Had Me At Hillel: My Debate with J. Jacob Prasch

An invitation to a debate came in the mail yesterday from James Jacob Prasch of Moriel Ministries and I said I would post it on my blog. Here it is: ___________________________________ "Emergent Church/ For Moriel New Zealand web site please   Inbox Jacob/Moriel <moriel@ntlworld.com> to me, David, Jackie, Nigel, Carol   May 28 (21 hours ago)…

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Emotions in Glass

My wife has been busy putting emotions to art in our studio. She is using stained glass and bohemian crystals as media. The collection so far: Top left – Hope Bottom left: – Fear Bottom right – Grief The whole set will be displayed in the Waterfront Gallery, Stromness, for viewing and purchase. We are…

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New Scottish Beer: The Island Bere

Fabulous beer called “Island Bere” launched last night at the Stromness Hotel in Orkney. So good, in fact, that i had to go all the way home to get my wife. Lucky that we live only a few doors down. This is Debbie and I congratulating Sonny Priest, the brewmaster from Valhalla Brewery in Shetland…

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Viking Horns and Emergent Heresy

Everyone knows that Vikings had horns. But actually they didn’t. “The Christian monks considered the Vikings to be devils from hell, which is why the myth of the horns arose and spread across the world.” Searching for the Real Vikings Makes me think about the current heated discussion about the apparent heresies, relativism, and paganism…

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Dr Walter Martin and a New Kind of Preaching.

FLASHBACK: It was 1983. I think. 1984.The late Dr Walter Martin was in Perth, Western Australia where I was studying at Bible College. And I went to hear him preach at Thornlie Church of Christ where John Bond was pastoring at the time. Walter Martin was preaching on the foolishness of God and he used…

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Orkney Folk Festival

Our little town of Stromness hosts the Orkney Folk Festival, which starts today. All tickets were sold out a week ago but there are lots of other events also for those coming up. Technorati Tags: orkney, orkney folk festival

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The International Blogosphere

According to a recent Technorati report on the state of the blogosphere: – Most blog posts in the world are Japanese (lots of mobile phone posts) – English is second. – Chinese is third. – The Korean blogosphere has been undercounted and is much bigger than we think. – The top rated blog in the…

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Marc Van der Woude sent me the Googlism on Tallskinnykiwi. These are the two results: tallskinnykiwi is a breath of fresh air here in the bible belt tallskinnykiwi is still looking for wheels after the rv gave out on the mission trip

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Chuck Smith Jr Clearing Things Up

"Something rather silly is behind all of this." Chuck Jr, at the center of the controversy, gives a long and insightful comment on whats going on behind the anti-emergent talk. Technorati Tags: chuck smith, Emergent, emerging church

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blog posts I dont want to write

da vinci code. angry words. books that suck. somebody’s bad language. denominational scandals. rumors of heresy. secrets. threats against what we hold dear. sometimes too much attention puffs up issues beyond their intended size. the damage is as permanent as the links. and the blogosphere becomes the laundry for dirty washing or the unwitting pimps…

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Announcement Tomorrow

Tomorrow I am finally able to announce my partner in this new venture in UK with CMS. Together, and with strategic partnerships with other organisations, we are praying and planning towards a new network of mission cells across UK that will connect globally. Very exciting. A clue: I am the bad cop and he [yes…

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Observing The Ant

More on the emergent behavior of ants: an article called “The nest architecture of the Florida harvester ant” [HT: the other bailey]

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Forum Gemeinde Innovation (Church Innovation)

Alan Hirsch did extremely well with his sessions. Some of the media from our Church Innovation Forum, held earlier this month, is now online. Podcasts, images, etc. – Forum Gemeinde Innovation (check out the photos) – Christoph Schalk’s blog is a good resource. – When i get some time, I will post some video. The…

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The Chuck Smiths on Emergent Church

Chuck Smith the Senior just released a paper on the "emergent church". (Parson to Parson, PDF) [UPDATE: paper probably written by someone on staff at Calvary but not Chuck Smith Sr – ) Its been years since I heard him preach at Calvary Church in Costa Mesa. My wife used to attend their Saturday evening…

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Hacking Alpha: What Have You Done With It?

Just curious: What are you favourite Alpha hacks? What have you done with the Alpha Course to adapt it to your context? I see that there is already Catholic Alpha and Youth Alpha and Armed Forces Alpha as well as Alpha for the workplace, and prison. And I am sure each one of these has…

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