Boars Head Tavern and Luther

Mistake. Did I say yesterday that Boars Head Tavern was reformed? OOoppps. I got it confused with the other virtual pub . .  . White Horse Inn. Apologies to BHT for calling them reformed and to White Horse Inn for saying they support the emerging church. I dont think D.A. Carson would call himself a "supporter". 

As for Boars Head Tavern, i should reassure you that their post-reformation status is still intact and there is a badge on the left hand column declaring "Not Approved by the League of Truly Reformed Bloggers", as well as a page saying why. Although, just for a moment, Michael Spencer did give some thought as to how they could all morph into WHI broadcasters . . .

"So If I am Riddlebarger….Kurt would be Ken Jones….Josh would be Rosenblatt…and who gets to be Mike Horton? 🙂 An honorable error. I’m flattered. The WHI, otoh, may sue." Link

And apologies to the White Horse Inn for disturbing their Sola[ce] and trampling in their TULIP patch. WHI’s Michael Horton and I have had a good clear communication about our differences after some banter on the blog and I can assure the WHI listeners and readers that they  have not budged at all on anything  . . . .  not for 488 years and 20 days actually . .  but thats another topic. [Hi Michael!]


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Kyle Essary says:

    What’s the deal? It seems like attacks from both sides are rising and the tempers are flaring as we end this year. It has been a year that has been so beneficial to the Emergent community. Maybe our successes this year have angered the more conservative side of evangelicalism. But hey, there are some of us in the Emergent camp who are conservative too…even a few with Reformed persuasions…well, a few.

  • Anonymous says:

    Thanks Andrew. We enjoyed our brief moment of fame 🙂

  • Hi Andrew – thanks for the links and clarification.
    I hope this is an OK place to mention that I’ve added a category over at for editorials. If anyone wants to write proactive, positive articles for the site, more info is here

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