Derek and his 65 Volvo 544

Derek bought a 1965 Volvo 544 – the same car that Colin Powell collects. Colin wanted this one for his collection but Derek beat him to it. Colin Powell sent 17 emails about this Volvo. Apparently he has 5 of them at his home. If I was Derek, I would not upset Colin Powell. There…

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Updated Sunday Schedule

Heres today for our family 11am – Austin first baptist1pm – Gospel Bruch at Threadgills BBQ3pm – Amy Chapmans birthday party7pm – BBQ at Tony and Felicity Dales (of House2House fame) And somewhere in there i need to see John Berryhill and pack up for our Houston trip tomorrow. We are holding up pretty well…

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The Prescotts in Oklahoma

Oklahama is a trip. We found the cheesiest CCM stations we could find for the music and brushed our hair with a hard televangelist part on the side. Is there any other way to drive through this state????? We stopped off in Oklahoma City for an ice cream with Bruce Prescott. His son Bill came…

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We will arrive in Austin this afternoon. Austin rocks. Its a great little city that we have often spent time in. Where to connect with us: We will probably pitch our tent at Austin Lone Star RV Resort – the best campground in USA that hapens to be owned by John Berryhill’s father in law.…

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2311 miles

This is our journey for the next two days. We will stop in Denver to pick up Jessica (who we left in San Francisco) but we will probably just keep driving until we hit Austin, TX. I think we have just enough money for gas to get there but it might be close. If you…

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Leaving Las Vegas

Derek and I wore our mullet wigs last week in Nevada. After leaving Las Vegas, we found a killer roller coaster near the border and insisted on using mullet power to experience the ride. Our wives were rrrrreeeaaaaalllll proud of us!

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Podcast: Religious Talk, KREF

Here is a link to yesterday’s podcast of my interview on “Religious Talk”, KREF. i chat about emerging church, counterculture, and whatever it was we talked about. Actually, I was half asleep and gulping down coffee to wake myself into a better radio voice – which never really happened. Technorati Tags: podcast

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Party at Toyland, SillyCon Valley

Michael and Linda Toy were the most generous hosts we have probably ever met. They let us stay with them in their fun house near Palo Alto, Silicon Valley. Michael (right) is an internet-legend-pioneer-geek-extraordinaire who put the Netscape Navigator team together in the 90’s. But he is more famous to us for being a warm,…

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Sam in the Advertising World

Sam, my stubborn 14 year old son whose name is actually Samuel, and whose hair is far too long, is spending the day in the fast world of the Seattle adverstising scene. He left yesterday with his uncle Eric Cosper (my wife’s brother). Elizabeth went along with them. Eric has been working around the country…

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The Paintings of David Robinson

We visited artist Dave Robinson at his community house in San Rafael and I saw one of his recent paintings (click to enlarge). The image of the hand as waterfall is fantastic. It reminded me of the church in its liquid form and the inadequacy of human constructs to hold what God is doing. Dave…

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The Portland Pizza Gathering

The party took place on Saturday night at a Portland community house of Evergreen. About 30-40 people were there. We came late but there was enough time to cook some pizzas. We were presented with a cake that said “Yeah Jones Visas” Technorati Tags: Emergent, emerging church

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Peaceful Turtles

"Andrew . . . I am setting up a podcasting website called Peaceful Turtles [which was] named from an article you wrote about what you didn’t like about house church . We left like turtles and not as skunks and endevor to support the traditional church." Email from Keith. Way cool, Keith.  24-7prayer did a shorter…

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Other Emerging Church Stuff

Catching up on Emerging Church stuff around the world: – Emergent Kiwi has a list of postgraduate emerging church research papers. – DJChaung wraps up his thoughts on Godblogcon. – Emerging Solutions and Problems‘ – Christianity Today tackles D.A. Carson’s book ‘Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church. – Normal Church vs. House Church, by Frank…

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Order of the Mustard Seed

Phil Togwell from 24-7 Prayer is chasing real stories from people who took “The Vow” on February 11th in London. That was me. I took it, and described in as My Night of Absolute Terror. A DVD is coming out soon about the The Vow and the Order of the Mustard Seed, and a new…

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Radio Interview

Radio interview at 9am Pacific Time at KREF KREF 1400 AM, Oklahoma City, Oklohama (11am their time). Bruce Prescott says he will podcast it later. Its a sports station and this is their only religious broadcast. Hope they dont think I am the OTHER Andrew Jones who plays baseball.

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Leaving San Francisco this morning to head up through the Redwoods in Northern California. This is where Hannah was born.

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Saturday: Pizza Party Portland

Due to our late arrival, Bob Hyatt of Evergreen has moved the party in Portland from tonight to Saturday at 6pm and the location has also changed to 9065 SW 38th Ave, Portland (Directions)

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