Glasgow: tonight with 5 kids

UPDATE: Found a great hostel in Glasgow for tonight and the owner is treating us like ROYALTY. Thanks to John Sharp from North Lodge Hostel, 162 North St, Glasgow. He will even pick us up from the bus station at midnight!

ORIGINAL: Hey – I am flying into Glasgow, Scotland tonight with my 5 children. I say this for 2 reasons:

1. I am showing off.

My wife, who is my right hand, is away in Mexico for a week and I, Andrew Jones, SUPERDAD, am single handedly taking my 5 young children on a flight from Frankfurt to Glasgow, and then on a train to Aberdeen and then a ferry to Orkney. And all without my wife who keeps us all organized.

Beat that you LAMER DADS out there who can hardly handle an AFTERNOON of babysitting your pathetically small family of 3 children, even when you are all staying at home and sticking your kid’s eyeballs to the TV, as opposed to me – Andrew Jones SuperDad – who is pushing his kids through airport security systems and constantly counting to make sure they are all still following behind. Especially the 3 year old, and keeping in mind my DIABETIC daughter Abigail who is 9 and might totally go HYPER or HYPO or HYPER-HYPO or something WORSE, something unprecedented even in the field of extreme diabetic seizures . . a strangely new alien medical condition previously unimagined, a hyper-spasmatic-supersized-seizure-the-mother-888-of-all-diabeticseizures-to-end-all-seizures . . . . and all on my watch!

[marcs cat just walked across my keyboard and typed those 888’s – behold – the worlds first blogging cat!!]

2. I am struggling to find accomodation. Youth Hostels are filled up. We arrive at Glasgow Prestwick at about 2200 and will be in the city about midnight. And i really do not want to be lugging my children around the streets of Glasgow at midnight looking for accomodation. Otherwise i will have to stop bragging about being a SuperDad, as in Number 1.

So . . . if you can make a recommendation or help me organize a nights accomodation in Glasgow, please send me an email . . soon. Thanks.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • [depone] says:

    Hi Andrew,
    has been nice to meet you yesterday.
    Wanted to wish you a safe trip back.
    My prayers are with you and your family.

  • mumjones says:

    hey superdad, it’s me resortmum, hotmail not working so this is my only way to reach you. staying at ceiba del mar, near cancun. living like a rich woman here at the resort while occasionally escaping to the real world. Eric is the king of this place as the groom. his future wife, Jenny, his best friend, is great. her grandma is teaching me chinese. joygin, phonetic goodbye or offensive swearword in chinese, Debbie

  • SuperDad says:

    debbie – we are all sorted with a place to stay tonight so dont worry about us.
    – say hi to all at the wedding for us
    -shannon wants to know if you have a layover in london on the way back and when that would be.
    -abigail asks if you have tamara’s present with you.
    we all miss u much. come back with a suntan!

  • Jay says:

    We I am not traveling across Europe with five children, but my wife left for a week and I am left with two kids- one is 14 months and a one-man wrecking crew; the other is a 3 and a half year old boy who is in the second week of potty training! Needless to say it is crazy at the Huff house!

  • …try this lot:
    with 5 kids in tow on my own, ages 2, 4, 10, 11, 16.
    We flew Lisbon to London,
    Drove Heathrow to Jones house in Walthamstowe, (took 3 hours with 10 year-old navigating while older 2 traveled by train)),
    Drove London to Exeter (lost older 2 kids who traveled by train for 2 hours, 10 year old navigator again),
    Flew Exeter to Toronto,
    Drove Toronto to Waterloo (we all fit in this car so no trains)
    Flew Toronto to L.A.
    Flew L.A. to Melbourne.
    All this lasted 3 weeks with a heavy gig-schedule, press interviews, live radio and TV, 27 bags in tow (yes 27) plus band gear and CD stock.
    I don’t know how you fared Andrew, but the flight attendants have never been so friendly and helpful as during those lone-dad flights!
    You and yours were pretty good to us also!

  • tammy says:

    Abigail who is 9
    5 kids in tow on my own, ages 2, 4, 10, 11, 16
    was there a birthday inbetween those posts? 😀

  • tammy says:

    oops – those are 2 different families —
    just ignore me …
    it was so much like my husband, who struggles to know the ages of his children. 😉

  • Aimz says:

    Hope you got some accommodation sorted out, you are one brave dude taking care of 5 kids by yourself, I know my own husband would find that very hard.

  • SuperDad says:

    made it – yes- 30 minutes ago we arrived home and all are well
    tammy – there was a birthday – tamara turned 3 but we are waiting until mum returns before we tell her and have a party
    jay – potty training without the wife around? now thats really tough!
    mike from rivertribe – ok – you covered more countries and for a longer time – you are the true superdad and i am just a poser.

  • Brodie says:

    I’d have struggled to put you all up, hey our flat is smaller than we’d like, but if you ever need a place to stay in Glasgow then give me a shout. (we met briefly at Si’s in London back in December)

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