Monastery Site?

theoldmanseWe may have found the buildings that will become our monastery. Let me tell you about it, and show off some pictures I took today.  You will notice that the weather is incredible – clear sunshine on damp green grass. Just love it!!!!

We went out to see an old church and manse that was taken off the market recently due to lack of interest. There was a rainbow on the way out there to get our attention.
This is the inside of the old church.
The owner wanted to restore it back to a church again but never got around to it. We think it could be an excellent monastery – new media center, publishing, crafts, teaching, prayer and worship, brewing, etc. There is also a lot of land around it that could easily be rented from a farmer for animals.
There is also a manse on the property . . .
It needs some work, but would be great for accomodation, hospitality, feeding pilgrims, etc.
The area is rich in pilgrimage sites . . .
Just over a mile away is an old Celtic Pilgrimage site called the Brough of Birsay. You can see the remains of the chapel on the right.  Its possible that St. Magnus was trained by the monks in the monastery here back in the 12th century. The sign says that the pilgrims stopped coming here a few centuries ago. Maybe its about time to open it up again and begin to pray into it????
You can get to the Brough by walking on the path (submerged but visible in the picture) at low tide. It would be a fantastic prayer walk each day
Down the road, a few miles south, is EynHallow (Holy Island), another famous Celtic pilgrimage site.
You have to take a boat out to this one.
So, I am trying to contact the owner who is in Australia. He was asking £168k, but then it didnt sell at that price so he might be flexible. We actually don’t have any money right now, so i hope he is REALLY flexible, or REALLY patient. Either way, we  would appreciate prayers . . .


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • john says:

    Beautiful….when can I come?

  • ande says:

    me too, let’s do a coach trip

  • Arlen Hanson says:

    Awesome pictures Andrew, and I also want to pay this place a visit one of these days. As someone who is feeling increasingly called to do exactly what you are doing (founding a monastery), I am now following your journey with great attention. Prayers too. Peace.

  • consider it prayed a bunch from here in indy. i can’t wait to see what god has in store for you all! much love-take care!

  • george says:

    Maybe the owner likes to give gifts?
    Think about it!
    We are praying the owners are giving discerning people.

  • Susan says:

    Andrew the place is divine! Don’t worry about any of the pieces in the puzzle, for GOD will put it all together if it’s HIS will for you to have this place. The pictures are great. One gets a sense of the continuity of the a spiritual journey started centuries before by many others on the same quest. I will pray that GOD makes it perfectly clear if this is the place HE wants for you. Blessings upon blessings to all the family.

  • Bald Man says:

    Exciting. We are in prayer.

  • Aaron O. says:

    Wow. I’m with John and Ande. When can I come? 🙂
    Perhaps some online fundraising is in order? At least for a downpayment. I’ll help.

  • Steve K. says:

    Yeah, Andrew, let us know how we can help out financially. The blogosphere will answer the call!

  • lillylewin says:

    the lewins will come too!
    just like field of dreams…if you build it they will come!
    it looks amazing!
    the sunshine has squelched all my sterotypes of scotland! : )
    tell all the kids and deb hello!
    and so sorry for the loss of your little brother…
    i also have a little brother born in 1970!
    you’ve reminded me to pray for him !
    love to you! lilly

  • bobbie says:

    us too!
    praying he’s not just flexible, but generous!
    it’s beautiful andrew – your vision is so clear i can almost taste it!