Why consume something when you can capture and change it? Or use a product for a different purpose. Or make your existing product go faster. MacMod.com opens today, and offers a guide on how people like me with ridiculously slow ibooks (500MHZ) can hack in and make them faster. I met an Aussie last month who is involved in a project to modify films and help the movie industry build in an element of modification to its projects. My images, video loops, articles and blog posts are fodder for modification and people generally send me the link to what they have done with my material. Sometimes my material is a modification from someone else. This is normal. New media allows it, with respect and permission.
What we really need, in this open source world of hacks and mods, is a web page that invites and archives the best Church Hacks and Mods.
* Alpha-Hack. Of course emerging people are not going to take the Alpha Course out of the box and use it. If they use it at all, it will be hacked into and modified. So why not have them send in their Alpha hack for others to use. Others can modify it further down the line.
* LectioDivina Hack. Tony Jones has already modified it and some of us have hacked it beyond recognition. Who else? What are the dangers?
*Seeker-Church Hack. Why poke fun at Purpose Driven Churches when you can have even more fun hacking in and creating your modified version. The guys at Liquidthinking are probably geared up for this. BTW i found this cool clock on their site today.
I’m talking about the possibility of churchhack.com or a virtual garage for unpacking and rebuilding ideas and programs and then offering the code to whoever wants to fiddle around with them. Or maybe not. Just thinking out loud. Tell me to shut up if you like.
Fantastic idea! I’ve done a fair bit of Alpha-Hacking myself, I never quite thought about building a site for it though.
Why has it taken so long to think of this idea? We do have a lot of hacks out there already on various blogs, but an additive and communal site would be cool. Something like MacOSXhints for church. Am I missing something or is there no-one doing this presently?
This is a brilliant idea most people that create these things realise that they dont suit everybody hence youth aplha and the sorts.
brilliant, why re-invent the wheel. time that could be spent doing, instead of re-thinking. i always believe in short-cuts that are tried and tested. add in the emergent cookbook and you’ve got a really useable website! 🙂
yep, this is happening and right under my nose, but i didn’t really see it. thank you andrew for drawing attantion to this.
while hacks may be helpful for altering from residual to emerging, they tend not to go that far beyond the original, do they? aren’t they really just new patches made from old wineskins?why not originate, not pseudo-replicate? just a thought. so … how ’bout going beyond hacks and creating new things from scratch – – big intuitive leaps instead of the usual emerging incremental bleeps?
Hacking Culture, Modding Tradition, Looking Beneath Skins
Over at Tall Skinny Kiwi, there’s an interesting post abot the idea of “hacks and mods” – hacking and modifying technology, ideas, traditions, etc. to get something new. Seems like an idea worth pursuing in terms of how church and