Epicentre Roundtable: Advance

This is an advance notice for our Global Roundtable event this summer, in particular for those of you buying plane tickets to be here. The actual roundtable event, that we will probably call “Epicentre”, in the tradition of Epicenter (USA, 2001) and Epicentrum (Europe, 2002), will be held at Greenbelt Festival in Cheltenham, Friday, August 27th, from 2pm to 5pm in the Crest Room of the Grandstand.
There will be a welcoming event in London on Thursday, August 26th, and the festival runs until Monday 30th.
The cost for the festival is 70 pounds and that includes FREE ACCOMODATION if you bring your tent. The Roundtable should be free to you, assuming we can raise a little money to make it all work. The roundtable will be an Emergent/Boaz/DAWN sponsored event. It was suggested by Brian MacLaren, as i have mentioned before, but you should know that Brian will not be able to be with us this year.
We have invited key leaders of emerging networks around the world and will be inviting a few more. There will be a limit of 50 leaders present at our Roundtable. Already, they are coming from Japan, Brazil, Australia, USA, Germany, Holland, Switzerland . . . Do you know of someone that really needs to be there? Let me know and i can send an application to them.
Much more information soon . . .


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • cloudburst says:

    need any ambient dj’s? heh. i should make a shirt.. btw, joined the ranks of mac users this past week andrew, you would be proud 😉 little g3 700 12″ ibook is the newest addition to our family. airport is fun!
    cheers, love in Christ.

  • gareth says:

    would love for someone from moot to be there – we are doing a few services and stuff at greenbelt so we will already be there.
    Would be great to hook up and share stuff with some other like-minded groups.

  • Mark Reichmann says:

    Who is the leader of an emerging network for germany? I didnt know there is something like that here! mark

  • Andrew says:

    Hello. Germany has some great things going. In the past 4 years, we have had some great German leaders involved with us. Karsten Wolff (Kraftwerks) has been with us in Japan, Colombia, Austin (Epicenter) and other events. I will be inviting him again. Leaders from Jesus Freaks came to our Epicentrum event in Prague. Kerstin Hack from Berlin has been involved in setting up prayer networks and is behind the scenes for other networks and movements (Together For Berlin, March For Jesus, etc) and she will be here.
    Do you know of someone else who is able to give leadership to multiple movements in Germany that involve emerging culture?
    I dont know if they can come, but Wolfgang Simson has been to a few of our events and Chris Daza also – both these guys deeply involved in the house church movements, and apostolic/prophetic movements based in Germany.

  • Martijn says:

    Hi Andrew, I’ll be at Greenbelt with my band Fruhstuck. I hope we’ll have a five minute hello how are you moment.. 🙂
    Greetings from Poland!
    The dutch guy from Wroclaw you met last month in Switzerland

  • Susan says:

    Sounds great. I’ll be praying.

  • Susan says:

    Sounds great. I’ll be praying.

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