London Bloggers is home base for bloggers living or working in London. I will join up in a few days, when i stop the redecorating and obsessing over this blog. The yellow was fun for a few days but now its time to stop the joke and become respectable again. Thanks Cal for the link and all the hard work on your site.
UPDATE: I just joined up and noticed that i know most of the new people joining up on the front page – there’s Jon Harris and Duncan Babbage, both of whom constantly pester me in my comments section.
Hey – Have you noticed how many bloggers are interested in spiritual things? I estimate between 15 – 25% of bloggers would be theoblogians, and i often watch the “constantly updated blogs” on typepad and blogger to spot the trends. Anyone else taking notes???????
i’ve been on there for a year or so…. just notcied i hadn’t changed my blog address though so thanks for the prompt!
did you like our april fool then? 😉
Pester? With comments? Me?!
Ha! Just read this over a year later. Somehow missed it at the time… Does it stil count as pestering if it is this late? Does it? Does it?
: )
And I’m not even a London blogger anymore. Wonder if there’s a "Raumati South bloggers" site somewhere?!