Skinny on 2003 Technology

2003 for me was a year of tapping into some great technology, and admiring other software that I haven’t yet got around to.
Before I tell you about the software, you should know about my vintage computers.
I resisted the urge to get a new computer. I still use my 2001 G3 iBook 500 MHZ with a monstrous 10 Gig hard drive. Impressed? Well, my 4 year old iMac, the hub of our vintage digital lifestyle, runs at a blazing 400 MHZ. However, they are still working fine and I will hold on as long as I can before upgrading.
I went WiFi in 2003, after finding a park close to me that offered a free signal. Then I went out and bought an airport station to give our home/office a WiFi coverage – so we can all get online at the same time, on every level, and all without wires.

I didn’t manage to do VoIP phone calls but will as soon as i can.
I also never got ADSL. I have been using dial up all year at 56 kps. HOW LAME! By the time they offered it here in Prague, it was too late to sign the contract because we are leaving. Hopefully the next town will wire me up with some decent broadband.

RSS is brilliant and it has changed the way I surf the web. Now sites come to me, and my blog site feeds others with RSS readers. I have been using NetNewsWire Lite for Mac.

I went bluetooth in 2003 also, with a Sony Ericsson T68i but have had problems connecting with my computer and headphones. The phone is in the shop right now. I was really hoping to sync up with my computer before the year ends.

Kung-log was my best software of the year – radically changing the way I write. I am writing this offline in my Kung-Log editor. I still need to send in my donation, which i will do willingly and with gratitude.
What a great piece of software!!! Of course PC people have their blog editing software also.

OS 10.3 Yes, I upgraded from 10.1.5
I never bought 10.2 (Jaguar) since I knew that Panther(10.3) was coming out and i didnt want to part with $100. However, i got myself into trouble – much of my new software and software i wanted to try out was Jaguar only and I wasnt able to buy it for the 2 months preceding Panther’s release. Very frustrating. But all is well now.

TypePad, of course, as my blogging home. A move from Blogger and one that i am still very happy about – i like all the typepad options and support from real people.

Lastly, I made the move from G-force VJ software to Arkaos. Good move, although i am loyal to Andy O’Meara from G-force and may switch back one day, if i dont move on to Isadora, which is currently the best VJ/multimedia performance software i have come across. But Arkaos does it for me right now, and i use it for teaching in conferences as well as throwing up images in worship settings. My tribe would never forgive me if i used powerpoint, although i would love to test out the bluetooth option on my phone, together with my Clicker software, to control the presentation wirelessly. Maybe one day when i get older?

By the way, VJ BigLoose, who is featured on the arkaos front page, was the guy who introduced me to the software and has been teaching me along the way. He is a Jesus follower who lives in Switzerland and we connect a few times each year.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.

1 Comment

  • Jon Reid says:

    RSS rules.
    Say, does Kung-log work with TypePad as far as uploading pictures? I’m so used to using TypePad’s browser interface, which lets me upload something, then immediately create a posting with the picture embedded in it.

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