Pizza Yodero for the Mennonites

25 Mennonites will arrive today and stay for the weekend. Tonight is pizza night so I thought about creating a pizza that will reflect Mennonite influence. 

Sparse, strong, thrifty but satisfying in a non-epicurean way. But puhleeezzeeeeeee NO BEANS because that would be just plain WRONG!

The leaders of this group are Jim and Kathy Yoder – quite a common last name for Mennonites – so the pizza will be named “The Yodero

I am open to suggestions here . . . What ingredients would you put on a Mennonite pizza?


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Jason_73 says:

    Perogies and Cabbage Rolls? Farmers sausage would be good too…

  • Shane says:


  • lila says:

    haha this is hilarious andrew!! ^^ but nice to hear that u guys r still doing pizza nights on fridays! 🙂 …. how about olives? they have a religious touch ^^

  • becky garrison says:

    I would go with fresh hearty vegetables, the kind you get from a farmer’s market. Then add a bit of organic sausage.

  • David says:

    Sorry – too late to really help now – unless the pizza was delayed by a long period of prayer & fasting, or a peace vigil. However, I would suggest a strong goat cheese. Enjoy

  • Rusty Richards says:

    Seven sweets and seven sours…

  • Liam Manning says:

    I would agree with Becky, my friend told me he had a pizza in calgary and it had some great tasting vegetables and it really made their pizza something to remember. I want to try it out myself, what do you think?

  • Dave Taylor says:

    Don’t know about ingredients, but the pizza cutter should have no rubber on it (i.e., steel wheel only).

  • Jess Toons says:

    I just love pizza Calgary so much! It never gets old and never tastes bad. I grew up with a mother who loved to cook pizza but didn’t do regular stuff she put fruit or veggies on it so we ate healthy for the most part and now being older I still can’t get enough of it!

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