Hello Asia in 2012

BIG NEWS: Asia will feature prominently in our lives in 2012 and also, obviously, this BLOG. This is good news. This is big news.

2011 was an incredible year! We found ourselves floundering about in about 20 countries which was less than 2010 but still a fair amount for a family with 5 kids on the road, sleeping in a truck and backpacking into strange cities.

So many wonderful memories. Such great new friends. So many exciting early-stage missional projects.

2012 promises to be an even more exciting year. We will spend the bulk of it in Asia, which we believe is on the cutting edge of missional social enterprise and holistic ministry. Especially Indonesia which just blew us away. In fact, I want you to come to Indonesia next year. Tell you about that later on.

We did a few scouting trips this year to China, Hong Kong, India and Indonesia. And that was enough to tell us that we needed to seriously invest some time and resources in Asia.

A few minutes ago I sent out our 2012 project outline and proposal to 3 foundations that we know quite well, although none of them have ever funded us for anything. Let’s see what happens.


March 2011: Praying with domestic workers in Hong Kong. God is equipping a generation of alternative, vulnerable young people on the fringe of society to impact their world. That’s the idea behind our project. Keep reading.

We will also try to raise some smaller amounts of funding from friends and churches. As I have said before, my salary stopped nearly 2 years ago and that’s when life started . .  heh hehe . . . Its been a wild trip and God has given us everything we needed for a much crazier adventure with Him than we could imagine. One church has now decided to support our projects with a small amount each year  [yeah Gateway!] and also the mens group from North Beach Baptist Church [I used to be a pastor there] gave us a nice gift. And on top of that, there are some people that send us tiny amounts of money regularly and we couldn’t function without them. Because they support us, we are able to support hundreds of worthy people and projects all over the world, wherever there are vulnerable youth on the fringe.

But its only about 10% of what we need.

So if you know of a group or a businessperson who may want to befriend us and partner with us as we go into the tough areas of Asia to rescue vulnerable youth and equip them for God’s redemptive purposes, ask me on email for the project proposal.  tallskinnykiwi at gmail dot com and we will start getting to know each other.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


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