Hanging with Massive Scar Era [Mascara]

In Cairo we hooked up with Egypt’s famous hardcore metal band Massive Scar Era for a chat. The coffee shop was closed but we found a place on the street for a tea and a sheesha.

Cairo mascara street

Massive Scar Era, or Mascara, is an amazing and original hardcore band. Really. I saw them perform at Cornerstone Festival in USA last summer and I talked to them about coming to some of our festivals in Europe. Florian from Freakstock Festival is with us this week in Cairo so we were asking them if they would consider coming to Germany next year. Maybe Poland also. Hope that works out. The band is an interesting mix of Muslim and Christian, of both Orthodox and evangelical flavours, a hopeful microcosm of what might happen in Egypt when the next generation shows the world that we can get along together.

Mascara became well known in Egypt when one of their songs was used for a movie. I think this is it here.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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