Leaving Dresden, reflecting on Kirchentag

We are leaving Dresden after the Kirchentag festival. Great time. Lots of people. Heres a photo of my family dancing on the streets to really cheesy music.

Kirchentag dancing

They put our truck in the exhibition area so it [and we] were on display the whole time. We had an open house for our truck and a constant steam of people asking about our solar powered exhibition vehicle. We were parked next to the Greenpeace stand and got to know the young volunteers from Greenpeace really well. They loved our low-impact vehicle with its solar shower, mangle for washing and hand grinding devices for everything.

Someone offered us a shower in their apartment towards the end of the week and we were really thankful for that – Abi said she hadn’t had a shower since China . . . you probably didnt want to hear that. We didn’t either. But we all showered anyway. LOVELY!!!! The girl who offered was not a Christian but she really connected with us. Hope to see more of her.

Also, someone donated 50 Euros towards our diesel fund. She was Egyptian and the only person that gave towards our journey. We are grateful for every gift. And this gift is helping us get back to Czech Republic.

We are currently in a free “stellplatz” parking area and enjoying the quiet.

Kirchentag was an amazing piece of organization and effort to get the whole city excited about a church event. They did extremely well and we are really glad we came.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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