Pilgrimage with me in 2011

2010 was a busy year of travel for our family. 25 countries in one year is crazy . ..  but fun. Most nights we wild camped somewhere free and  . . . wild . .  and in the day times we were exploring and encouraging some of the most creative solutions to the worlds most compelling problems. Out of the 25 countries I dragged my family into in 2010, the places that made the strongest impressions were Morocco, Albania, Macedonia, Czech Republic and Germany. Least favourite was the border into Serbia. Sorry Serbians. I dont bribe!!!

2011 will be just as interesting. Less coutries but just as strategic. I am looking for places where God is at work and people are launching missional social enterprises to address the greatest problems in their world. And as you know, I am always interested in how spiritual communities of faith are springing up and what they look like.

Follow me in 2011 and I will do my best to show you the world that God loves, or at least what I experience in the places we go this year.

Follow my thoughts on here on tallskinnykiwi. Foilow our family [and the silly side of our journeys] on Jonesberries

Right now we are in Los Angeles, California. We leave next week for a few months in Asia including New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia and some other places that I will tell you about when I am gone.

By May, we will be back in Europe to pick up our 4×4 truck/motorhome. Highlights will be London, Kirchentag in Dresden where I will show you what 100,000 German Protestants look like when they all come together, then off to Prague, Poland, possibly Scandanavia and then down to Turkey.

From Turkey, insha’Allah [God willing], we will attempt to drive across Iran and Pakistan to reach India and Nepal.

Support? We have about half of our support promised but still need the other half. In USA we had one or two churches say they will support us. YEAH Gateway Baptist! – you guys will get a special place on my sidebar!!!! This will be fantastic since we lost our CMS salary last March and have been without a regular income for almost a year. We still need a few more churches ..  . really.

We are also raising funds for the various projects we are supporting around the world and I will be sending out some proposals for these this month to various Foundations that we have built relationships with. If you have a Foundation or Trust and would like to partner, please email me and lets start talking. tallskinnykiwi at gmail dot com

Pray for safety. Pray for our truck to do well. Pray for the young people who travel with us and those we meet along the way. Pray for a good home-schooling experience for our children, aged 13 to 17, who travel with us.

And please tell us what you are doing for God in 2011 so we can journey with you. Lets pilgrimage together!


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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