I have been enjoying meetings in Houston and Austin. Always fun to mess with Texas. Such a big state with big thinkers and big doers.
Houston highlights included a great time with the Union Baptist Association and meeting with really creative pastors like “Poker Pastor” Ken Shuman and “Lost” geek Chris Seay who flew out to Hawaii for the premiere of LOST and to hand out copies of his book “The Gospel According to Lost”. I will discuss this on another post.
Austin has been a whirlwind visit of churches, communities, friends, family (our son lives here now) musicians and one Seminary. I wish I could stay around for the discussion with Becky Garrison this weekend. I was hanging with the panel of “experts” last night who will be part of this event – nice people. I sat next to Eileen from the Austin Statesman, author of this piece about Becky and her time in Texas.
Actually, Becky is staying in the same house with us and is blogging across from me. We are staying with Phil and Cathryn Thomas of the Love Fiercely blog. But this morning we leave for Dallas. Here’s my official events:
Nov 10. African Immersion: Barclay Nelson and I will be showing photos we took of Africa this year. He in the south and me in the north. Invitation only event at an art gallery. Wine and cheese. If you are coming, please say hello afterwards. If you want to help out, bring a bottle of wine, preferably African.
Nov 11-13. Global Faith Forum. I am not speaking but I am blogging and hanging out with friends including Os Guinness who I thoroughly enjoyed meeting last month in Cape Town.
Nov 16. Tyler, Texas. “An Evening with Tall Skinny Kiwi” – a casual and informal “wonderful “meal organized by Grace Community Church in Tyler. Invitations are arranged through the church and you have to be REALLY SPECIAL to be invited or you have to talk nicely to Stephen Wickliffe who is organizing it. stephenw at gcc dot org
Loved having you guys! You guys Rock!! Thanks for the crepes- oh, yeah, the love and the laughs!
Glad to mess with you any time. Hope to see you in LA in January.