3rd Global Roundtable of Emerging Underground Leaders

Details for the 3rd Global Roundtable of Emerging Underground Leaders are taking shape. It will be held in USA at the Cornerstone Festival, June 30 – July 3. This is the first time the event will be held in North America so its a good chance for Americans and Canadians working among counter-culture youth and urban nomads to join the global conversation and meet their counterparts.

Trevor McPherson says:

“This time we are thinking of this Roundtable as being more of a high level Summit Meeting, where we find and specifically invite the top 40 – 50 North American emerging underground leaders to join with 20-30 international leaders and spend our time together as a God inspired think tank about what He has in the future for the emerging underground ministry.”

This will be a big one. If you know of some leaders who should be there, you could email me and I will pass on the information to the Review Committee. Or whatever they are called – The Screen Team. The Filter Squad. The guys and girls who laugh vigorously as they read out applications together over a beer. No . . . the review process is really more of a fasting, praying, waiting thing because we want the right people there. I saw the invitation list this morning and there are like 50 countries mentioned. Anyway, let me know.

And if you can help fund international leaders to come to this event, then please tell me and I will hook you up.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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