Our travels have taken us to 18 countries in the past 3 months. Whewww!!!!!!!!! Some of those borders were tough and wearing – Serbia in particular. I have a lot of stuff to blog but it will take some time to get organized. At the moment, we are fixing a wheel on our truck while staying at a squat in Germany. I am a little tired of traveling at the moment and yet I keep wondering if we should drive over to Pakistan to help with the floods and relocation of people.
Maybe we should just rest a little first?
That is a ton of traveling….I would take a small sabbath from travel…then head out refreshed.
if i was smart i would do just that. thanks
I wont complain about travel anymore….
Wow, epic. I’ll say hi again Andrew, I think you introduced Iain to me. Or maybe I am confusing you with someone else. Anyway, hi from a fellow Kiwi 🙂
Jonathan from Spritzophrenia