Blogging For Profit

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Even if you dont make money from your blog, Darren and Chris will help you blog better. And the new updated Problogger book, just released today, will bring you up to date. As for me, I am removing Google ads from my site again because I hardly make any money off them and because, despite years of watching my blog, they still post ads like the one this morning. Really!

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If anyone wants to sponsor this blog, let me know and I will put up a badge for you if your bid is successful. My mother will see your banner every day and she is a big spender, believe me. And my Aunty Olwen also. And also, if you dont have any money but your cause is worthwhile, talk to me anyway.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • HeidiRenee says:

    well – here’s a start – i turned off adblock for your blog and i can get an “exciting pagan astrology” cart for free today from google ads… sigh.

  • HeidiRenee says:

    chart… not cart…

  • Wait! I just bought this book based on recommendation from blog. 😉

  • Phil Wood says:

    Thank for the advice, Andrew. Always looking for handy new blogging tips. Someone approached me the other day about advertising on radref. I thought about it for a couple of days but turned them down. I care about my blog, even if I don’t make money from it and the advertising would have been … inhospitable.

  • Keith Rowley says:

    My sister is a Midwife here in KS USA and she is starting an organization to connect midwives with missionaries who are expecting a child, where the midwife will come to the missionary and deliver the baby in the country where they are currently serving.
    I know she does not have much money for advertising and such but wondered what you would charge for an add on the site. Also if you would be willing to let your missionary friends know about this resource. The website for the ministry is but she has not put up any content yet.

  • Terry Foote says:

    You could always adveritise my blog for free. I’ll return the favor (Like you need my upstart blog linking to yours) Maybe our mom’s could read each others blogs!

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