London Fashion Week? They LOVE me there!

Back in London again after a good time with friends down south. Highlights included hanging with Greg Valerio (new blog) after his fair trade pilgrimages to Peru and Nepal, and the Carter family. Now we are up in London for a few days to work on visas. We are staying at Manna House in Bromley, London which is run by OM for mission people. This morning we will be at Bromley Baptist.

London Fashion Week in on right now. They LOVE me there! No . . . just kiddin’. Its a family joke because I dress so weird. Everytime someone says “London Fashion Week” I always chime in “London Fashion Week?? They LOVE me there!”

Right now, before we walk off to church, Debbie is reading “The Logos Story” to our kids. Its a book about a mission ship that went down in South America over 20 years ago. We know most of the people in the book, all of who survived btw, because Debbie and I were on that ship a few months before it went down. We were like . . . so almost THERE!



Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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