Swissing Up your blog with Swiss Miss

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Tina Roth Eisenberg of Swiss Miss was sitting in front of me at The Feast. She is a web design guru with a huge following among designers and geeks. It was really nice to meet her but I have to say that her blog is sooooooo much better looking than mine which now appears SCRUFFY and very . . . non-Swiss. Maybe its time for a redesign?

I asked her if she used Helvetica as her favourite font which was a redundant question. Of course she does. On her blog is a link to a arial vs. helvetica test. YEAH HELVETICA!

Would you agree with me that her design appeals more to men [and geeky men like Johannes who is sitting next to me) than women?


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on digital things ever since. He founded The Boaz Project in 2000 and the virtual Suddenly Seminary in 2004.


  • Steve K. says:

    Nice Helvetica/Arial test!
    I do like the SwissMiss design quite a bit. You and I both need to redesign our blogs, I think. Honestly, I think you could do wonders by using a lighter background on the sides of your site — black is so heavy and depressing feeling! Just one suggestion … The content in the middle is just right, in my opinion! 😉

  • andrew says:

    agreed. it used to be white and i liked it. will do it when i get a few spare moments.

  • swissmiss says:

    It was so lovely meeting you yesterday! Thank you for the flattering write-up here. And hey, I never thought about whether my design was more appealing to men. Interesting! Waving from DUMBO, Brooklyn! Tina

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