Lisbon: Denny and Maureen Hurst

Lisbon is really exciting. So much happening here. Lisbon, like Casey’s mom, has got it going on!

We had a great dinner last night with Denny and Maureen Hurst (left) and some Germans who were flying around in helicopters all day, taking photos of airports, and members of the Triplet band who were practicing somewhere in the basement.


The Hursts started a Christian music festival in Italy a few years back called Rock on the Rock and have moved their family over to Lisbon to plug into the scene here and see what transpires. They were part of our roundtable in Germany 3 years ago but will not be able to make it to Poland this year for our Roundtable there. About a week ago, the Hursts worked with some other groups in hosting a big skate event that had about 400 young people – bigger than the professional skate events here. Check out their not-so-typical missionary family video.

2009 Hurst video from Denny Hurst on Vimeo.


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


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