7 Things On the Microblogging Front

1. Stephen Fry has over 100,000 Twitter followers, according to the Telegraph, a number only beaten by Barak Obama who has 225, 520. However, what most people don’t realize is that Stephen Fry follows tens of thousands of people. Not sure how possible that is, but its a worthy effort. In the new media world, leaders are followers. Stephen Fry gives out his Top Tips for using Twitter.

Also on the microblogging front:

2. Europe’s first Microblogging conference just happened in Hamburg.

3. Twingly blog search now searches Twitter and other microbloggings.

4. I don’t like Plinky, an app that lets you come up with computer generated trivia that you don’t even write yourself. I agree with Curt on TextTechnologies – its pathetic and his anti-Plinky rant is justifed.

5. TweetDeck helps you sort and manage Tweets if you install it on your desktop.

6. A post on making money through Twitter which seems pretty tough, esp. if you failed to make money on blogging like i did.

7. Austin Twestival is an experiment in fundraising inside the Twitter community. HT: Bob Carlton

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Mark B says:

    Just having a conversation with Gill Poole about the Churches Media Council… their web presence is extremely static and has little focus on social media (networking, viral media, social news gathering etc.) I guess even in CMS there seems little dialogue between those who produce mass media (print and video) and those of us who are more focused on generating social media (comment and content)… it’s a changing world 😉

  • Tweetdeck is the best thing I’ve found so far, but I’m not crazy about it. I think I want something where I can prioritize my followers. Another thing I’d like to see is a digest option. I guess you can already kind of do that by subbing to the RSS of any user.
    Having to install on your desktop is a major liability. Are you listening Google? We need you to make a Twitter app.

  • When you get 5,000 tweets or 5,000 facebook followers isn’t it time to do the fish and loaves thing?
    k8 (off to work… it’s early- pray!) tx

  • Gennaro says:

    It’s hard to believe that people are making money from tweeting other than getting a big audience then directing them to their online business, but there are plenty of great minds who might figure it out.

  • dude, love your new header. that is hilarious.
    I use tweetdeck. Wouldn’t use Twitter without it. It is a must have.

  • Steve Hayes says:

    How can anyone follow 1000 people on Twitter, never mined 10s of thousands. Must be a full-time job, with feeding tubes.

  • Ryan Burns says:

    At Logos Bible Software we use TweekDeck to manage @logos. It is pretty much a requirement for anyone wanting to keep tabs on twitter conversations outside those you are following. I just wish I could have more than 10 columns! I’m also a fan of TwitterFox.

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