Crowded House (the church, not the band)

crowded houseLast night I was in Sheffield, England. I was lucky enough to have dinner with Steve Timmis and some of the Crowded House people [No connection with the Kiwi band called Crowded House, in case you were wondering. Although I really like them as well]. I had a few hours to spare and I had been meaning to catch up with Crowded House for a long time, especially after meeting Steve at Grassroots Festival last year in Australia. Really nice meal, nice people and a good Bible study. They even drove me to my next stop – Andy and Bea Marshall. Must stop in there again sometime.

Steve and Tim Chester have a book out called Total Church that I started reading a while ago. Not a racy exciting book but rather a solid plod-along book that does a good job in laying out some good basic principles and practices of ministry. Americans like the book also, especially Michael Dewalt who awarded it Number One book for 2008. And check out Steve’s interview by 9Marks blog.

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Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.

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