States in USA we have visited as a family.

I cant remember if we have been to Rhode Island or not. About 4 years ago, our family were passing by the top of USA again and wondered if we should finally go over to North and South Dakota since we had missed them when we went through in 1998-1999 in our Winnebago. We decided . . . NAAAAAAHHHHH!!! Maybe next time.

visited 45 states (90%)

Create your own visited map of The United States or try another Douwe Osinga project


Andrew Jones launched his first internet space in 1997 and has been teaching on related issues for the past 20 years. He travels all the time but lives between Wellington, San Francisco and a hobbit home in Prague.


  • Jim Barker says:

    so… what’s up with Rhode Island and the Dakota’s??

  • becky says:

    You’ve seen more of the US than I have bud … I don’t have a car, so I tend to take the train, bus or fly.
    But still, you are a BAPTIST and you CAN’T remember if you visited Roger Williams’ stomping ground. As the 11th and 12th great-granddaughter of RW, I am appalled. Shame on you.

  • Andrew Jones says:

    i know. and one of the greatest house church movements of the late 20th century also took place on rhode island
    fact is, we have have been there but i just cant remember.
    dakotas? well . . . we were visiting new church movements around the country and no one invited us there in 98-99. in 2005, we ran out of time and drove down to colorado and then texas.

  • Ted says:

    The coldest I have ever been in my life was my first trip to N. Dakota in the winter. We had a blizzard and I only had my Texas winter clothing. There is a reason I live in the South. But the people in the Dakotas are awesome!

  • Now where were you in NJ…. I grew up in Bloomfield NJ -Soprano headquarters… (that should explain some things ;-0 )
    I still love parts of Jersey and NYC… being married to a Southern have tempered things a bit.. but i’m still a Jersey Girl!

  • Do I perceive a clue as to your next move Andrew?

  • Mike Lane says:

    Me and my band (Rivertribe) visited 48 states with Rebecca St. James and Chris Tomlin in 2003. We did it in 8 weeks and drove over 14,000 miles. It was one of the most challenging and memorable experiences of my life. My favourite state was Colorado where we drove right over the rockies and had breakfast at the top of the National Monument, atop a 1000 foot cliff, overlooking Grand Junction.

  • ah hem…. cough – cough – cough….. where were you in NJ and when? Just curious?

  • andrew says:

    1999 – driving through, smelling the flowers, appreciating the ambience, and just enjoying the wonderful wonderful state that is NJ . . . and trying not to get MUGGED!

  • i found this to be fun, like the places i have visited around the world map on Facebook.
    You sure do get around, don’t you Andrew?!?
    i hope b4 i die i make it to the rest of the states i have missed thus far.
    Thanks, Andrew!

  • As i said, i’m a Jersey Girl… grew up in Soprano headquarters of sorts, still joke the 2 questions you Didn’t ask… “was”….
    1) why are they hosing down the driveway?
    2) who is in the trunk of the car next door?
    But there are parts that are nice… Amy and I remember the Jersey Shore with fondness. (we both married southern husbands.. “whot’s dat about?” I was just curious… and on the “trying not to get mugged” – now reallllly wondering where you were.
    Bloomfield was about 20 min outside of NYC…
    xo cat

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